Chapter 14

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A month before Tanya, Beatrice, and Miranda's accident...

Harry woke up and buried his face into his pillow. He got out of bed and headed downstairs. He dragged himself into the kitchen and saw Zayn sitting down and reading the newspaper. 

"Hey man." Zayn said as he flipped the page. 

"Morning." Harry said. He made them both coffee and he sat down sipping the coffee. He had a small headache but he decided to shrug it off. The phone started to ring. Zayn gave Harry a look that basically said, 'Go pick it up, I'm reading so don't disturb'. Harry got up and held the phone in his right hand, his coffee in his left.

"Hello?" Harry said and took a sip.

"Hello, may I speak to Harry Styles?" A man, deep voice, on the other line asked.

"This is he, who might I ask is speaking?" Harry asked. 

"Hello Harry, this is Bob, from the police department." Bob said. Harry nearly dropped his cup.

"Is everything alright?" Harry asked, concerned. His last encounter with the police wasn't very pleasant.

"Yes everything's fine. We need you to come down to the station Mr. Styles." Bob requested.

"Why?" Harry asked.

"We've found him." 


"We've found the guy who killed your girlfriend, Sparia Mick." 

This time, Harry dropped his cup.


Harry paced, at a non-stop pace, in the police station. 

"Would you chill out?!" Liam asked, impatient.

"No not really." Harry asked, still pacing. A man came out of a room and walked towards Harry. 

"Bob?" Harry asked and Bob nodded. The door that Bob had closed, had opened and two police officers were holding a guy who was struggling in their hands. His shirt was torn apart and his hair was a mess. He didn't look like he had a shower for the past year. They pushed him towards Harry, still holding him. 

Liam, Niall, Zayn and Louis all stood up and stood behind Harry. 

"Harry, this is Ethan, Ethan is the murderer." Bob explained. Harry couldn't speak. This man, had killed the one person he cared about the most. 

When he finally got some words out he said, "Why did you do it?" 

"Well pleasure to meet you mate." Ethan smirked.

"Why. Did. You. Do. It." Harry said, pausing between the words, his temper rising. Niall grabbed his arm, to stop him from doing anything stupid. 

"Ask your precious girlfriend." Ethan gave a tiny, evil grin. "Oh, wait, she's dead." 

That set Harry off. He jumped and was about to attack Ethan when Bob stood in front of him and Niall, Liam and Zayn held him back. The two officers dragged Ethan away. Ethan stopped and turned back.

"You'll come back for more, this isn't over." He said to Harry. Harry breathed heavily. He shook violently Zayn, Liam, and Niall's hands off and stormed out of the police station. He ran behind the station and broke down. He slid against the wall to the floor. He pulled his knees up to his chest and started crying. He felt like pulling his hair out. 

Even up til now, he couldn't absorb the fact that she was never coming back. He couldn't stop crying. As much as he loved Tanya and appreciated her, she wasn't Sparia. 

Louis finally stood in front of him. He got down on his knees and pulled Harry into a bear hug. 

"It's over. He's getting what he deserves." Louis whispered into Harry's ear. Harry hugged Louis back and in all honestly, he didn't want to let go, but Louis removed his hands and stood up. He helped Harry up and they walked back to the car. 

"Hey." Niall said, he hugged Harry. Liam and Zayn each gave him one. They got in the car and Harry kept quiet. The others talked but Harry looked out the window. Zayn gave him a small pat on the knee. 

"It'll be okay. You'll, be okay." Zayn said. Harry gave a small smile. No matter how down he was, they've always been there for him. When they got home, they found the girls there waiting to greet them.

"I heard what happened. I'm so sorry Harry, you don't have to go through all this once more." Tanya told him, while embracing him in a hug. He stroked her hair. He kissed her forehead and left to the car without a word. He told the driver his destination and when he got there he was as nervous as ever, even though he had no reason to be.

He knocked on the front door and it opened after a few minutes. 

"Harry, how lovely to see you." Sparia's mom stood at the front door. She moved out of the way and invited him in. She made them a cup of tea and he told her everything that had happened at the police station. He could see how much pain she was holding inside her eyes. 

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Mick." Harry said, holding his tea.

"What are you sorry for? It isn't your fault." She looked in her tea and Harry could have swore he saw a tear fall from her eye. "You know Harry, she talked about you a lot. How much you meant to her and all. I remember her coming home from one of your dates.." She paused and started crying. Harry walked over and grabbed some tissues for her. "She told me how she wanted to marry you and how the wedding should look like." She cried, while laughing at her daughter's sillyness.

Harry smiled. The thought of her always made him smile. They sat for a while in silence.

"Mrs. Mick, do you mind if I look around her room?" Harry asked, and she nodded. 

Harry headed upstairs and opened the door to her room. It was painted orange, Sparia's favorite color. Her desk full of books she had read, or was going to read. Stationary all scattered, homework undone, bed neatly cleaned. Shelves full of pictures and books. A tiny mirror and lip gloss on the top of the shelf. 

Harry ran his fingers across the mirror. Something caught his eye. A stack of envelopes behind her books. Harry looked back at the door to make sure that her mom wasn't there. He took the envelopes out. He sat on her bed and and opened everyone of them. He knew it was wrong, but it didn't seem to matter anymore. 

Dear Daniel, run while you can, I'm sorting out the money. Run and make sure no one ever finds you. Not until the whole lot is paid. I'm sorry I got us into this mess. I really am. I love you. 

Love, Sparia

Harry's eyes grew wide in shock. Was she cheating on him? She wouldn't, Sparia wasn't like that. Or was she? Harry grabbed the rest of the letters and went back to the kitchen where Sparia's mom was. He bid farewell and ran out of the house. He found a nearby park bench and sat there.

He watched as little kids ran around him, screaming and yelling, unaware of how cruel this world can be. Only when they grow up they'd find out. 

Harry opened the rest of the letters and it was all adressed to Daniel. It basically was the same thing, telling him to keep safe, and run. 

Who was Daniel? What money was Sparia talking about? Why hadn't she mailed these letters? He opened the last letter and his jaw almost hit the floor. 

It wasn't adressed to Daniel.

It was adressed to Ethan. 

With love, Harry.Where stories live. Discover now