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Hi, there, everyone! I want to say again thank you so much for every vote and comments you left on my other stories ❤️ appreciate it very much!

This will be another short story consists of few chapters, but anything could happen since I can't the see the end yet 😂

The prologue is partly my entry of #SuitfitCupid wildcard prompt. Enjoy! And as always, leave a vote and comments if you would.


Yoon Se Ri

Airport. A place best described my current life. Always on the move, never stay put. But who am I to complain? Doesn't have a place to call home does not mean I don't love my life. It just means... I'm lonely.

It just means... I miss him. So much it hurts. I hover above his name on my contacts. Do I call him? Could I?

And for the hundredth time, I don't. If I do that, the only person I could really hurt is myself.

He moves on, pretty quickly I'd say. And nothing I could do about it.

I walk to the departure gate heavily. This is my tenth book signings these last 3 months. My latest book is a huge success, so huge that my agent scheduled so many signings, you'd think I'm a pop princess going on tour. But honestly, these things keep me from falling apart. It distracts me from the fallout of my ten-year relationship with Cha Sang Woo.

Anyway, this will be my last signing event for a while. I'm going away and taking time off. I need to recharge. Recharge.. Running away.. it's practically the same for me.

I haven't felt this down since the last time I saw him at the airport 3 months ago, when I had to go for my first book signing. I gave him all of his leftover from the apartment - the one I immediately put on sale – and said goodbye to him and our history for the last time. Ever since, I try to avoid meeting him anywhere else, it still too damn hurt to remember what happened with us.

Well, that's usually what happened when your fiancé slept with your sister and now their baby is on the way.

I roll my luggage reluctantly. One step, two steps, and away.

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