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Thank you @eghamong for the lovely edits 😍😍 much appreciated 😘😘

A/N:Thank you @eghamong for the lovely edits 😍😍 much appreciated 😘😘

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Yoon Se Ri

I can give you ten thousand words, but not one can describe the happiness I feel right now. Just last weekend, it crossed my mind that maybe, just maybe, Ri Jeong Hyeok and I weren't meant to be. Now, he's with me. In the flesh. Not only a figment of my imagination.

Thank you, fate. For rewarding my belief. For taking control. At last.

Back at SNU, we stayed in that chair in the auditorium until the cleaning lady opened the room and found us there. I was still in his lap, we were laughing and talking. Of course we abruptly jumped from our comfortable position and got out of there. Since Min Ah left me - she got good head - Ri Jeong Hyeok took me home.

The first thing he commented in my apartment was the state of my kitchen. "What kind of food you're eating? You buy takeout? Everyday?" I couldn't lie to him, so I just nodded. He rolled his eyes then dragged me to the nearest supermarket for grocery shopping.

That reminded me so much of Auckland. When we went grocery shop before our road trip. Oh my god, I missed that time so much. No obligation, just straight up fun. We didn't need to worry about anything except where to go tomorrow and what to do with each other.

He made dinner after filling my cupboard and refrigerator with God knows what. He made me his homemade janchi-guksu.

"I believe you wanted this a few months ago." His comment made me stop. "How do you know that?"

"Let me tell you a story of how I come to know your whereabout today." And he regaled me with story of his task force. How he asked one of his resident to message me through social media. Wait... this sounded familiar.

"Was your resident name Kim Ju Meok?" I asked him. Now, he was the one who stops eating. "How do you know that?" And then I laughed. Loud and probably a little crazy. Once my laughter died down, I explained to him.

"That name. Kim Ju Meok. I know he messaged me everyday. But I don't know that he did it for you. I ignore his messages after his 14th messages." He was stunned. "Do you at least open one of the message?" I shook my head holding my laugh.

"Yoon Se Ri! You are as guilty as I am." He accused me.

"I am not. Do you know how many people did the exact same thing to stalk? I have that experience."

"Yet, you picked up my call."

"I'm on alert. Because I gave you my number. Anytime there some unknown number calling me, I was hoping it was you."

"Ah." He scratched his head.

"Min Ah is against it, but... she was the one to say not to reply to the instagram message. And not long before the instagram message from... your team, there was someone suspicious leaving a message to call him at my publishing company. It was all just too disturbing." He was silent for a moment then calmly stated.

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