Good Day

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Ri Jeong Hyeok

Do you ever have one of those days where everything goes right all day long? From the moment you wake up 'til you enter the dreamland at night. Like God decides this is your reward for all your hardship He bestowed upon you in the past. Today is that kind of day for me. Except for the wake up call, probably.

I woke up a little early because Pyo Chi Su decided to call me in the middle of a drunken session with our colleagues to ask me about our wager. It was midnight in Seoul, for God sake. Why couldn't he sleep like normal people?

"I'm not gone for more than 3 days and you look for me already?" I asked him sleepily. I heard his slur and could only hear a part of his question about the wager. I told him I lost the bet. Not in the mood to delve deeper, I told him I would transfer the money in the morning. I didn't know whether it was alcohol talking or the pity because he generously let up and told me that as long as I asked a woman during my stay here to go out then I won. Well, let's see if he remembered it later when he was sober.

It was not even five, I kept my eyes shut trying to drift off to sleep again, but I was wide awake. So I clocked in my running hour. Filling my lungs with fresh air by running was one of my favorite things to do. It was actually a habit I picked up during my residency. You know, life as a resident was hell. If I said I lacked sleep now, it was even worse when you were a resident. One time, I lost my patient on the table. I knew there was nothing more we could do but it was still hurt. I felt so incompetent, so helpless.

Running was my outlet. The feeling of the fresh air entering your lungs after such hard days was amazing. Since then, everyday, I tried to make time to run. Sometime I could run ten miles, sometime I only had time to finish three. It's okay for me. At least, I got changes of scenery aside of ER and operating room.

I ran half marathon this morning along the Tamaki Drive and felt my lungs burned so good. Glancing at my watch, it's past seven, meaning some breakfast spots at the waterfront would be opened within an hour. I slowed my steps allowing my heart rate to get back to normal while enjoying my surrounding. The harbor in the morning was beautiful and serene. What a way to start a day.


I sit at one of the bean bag available at Takutai Square with my breakfast from McDonalds outlet in Britomart. Yeah, junk food, I know. Initially, I want to eat some Korean dish at the waterfront, but the restaurant opens at 11 AM, like three hours from now. I decide to just walk back to the apartment and take a bath first before deciding what to have for breakfast. Then when I walk - to Waterfront area actually - this McD outlet calls me. In my head, of course.

I eat my sausage muffin while reading a book I got from a bookstore the first night I got here. It's a drama genre which not my cup of tea usually - thus why it took longer for me to finish it - but the story blurb entice me. It's about a love triangle and it's written by Korean writer name Yoon Se Ri which of course remind me to a certain Ms. Yoon. I keep on hoping to accidentally meet her around here. I mean... our staying places are quite near, right? So the odds of meeting each other are pretty decent.

I thought I hit a jackpot that first night at the bookstore. I saw her - or someone I thought was her - at the international book section. And then she's gone. I saw her again in the Sky Tower yesterday - or so I thought -  but couldn't find her anywhere.

At the end, I guess it is just my mind masterfully showing its owner his desire. You won't believe the amount of time I spend thinking about her. Her story. And her eye smile. And her kiss on my cheek. Well, it keeps getting back to that kiss actually. I hope she has a good time and really take my advice to get out and enjoy her vacation.

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