Special - Five Years

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Hi lovelies ❤️

A little treat for you this weekend!
I just realize that this special chapter may be sensitive for some readers, hence I put a warning.

⚠️Sensitive content ahead ⚠️ theme related to struggling to conceive. Skip if you must 🙂 But don't worry, it's always happy ending in this love journey for Dr. Ri and Author Se Ri.



Yoon Se Ri

Five years. More than 1800 days. Almost 44 thousand hours. Around 2.6 million minutes. That's for you, number lovers.

Five years. That wedding in Auckland seemed so long ago, yet, our fifth anniversary is just next week. It's like we're here in a blink of an eye. Our first five years have brought us:
• An incredibly happy marriage.
• Two godchildren, Dan's son and my sister's second daughter.
• Kora, a maltese that makes us family of three.
• Four trips around the globe to LA, Bora-bora, Brugge, and Kyoto.
• Five...

Oh my god, I'm writing in bullets. This is all my husband's fault! He loves talking in bullet points, writing his plan in bullet points, I guess it rubs on me.

I'm taking time this morning to do a little journaling, one thing that always keeps me sane these last few months. You think as an author, it's something that's automatic for me, but it's not. It's something that needs practicing. And it's important for me to relief the pressure inside my mind.

The pressure of wanting a child of my own. I love my godchildren. Sang Hee is almost six now, her sister Hyo Rin turned three last month and Dan's son is four. They're an angel. Interacting with them always brings my own desire forward. That's what I dread the most when visiting my sister or when Dan coming to our house.

That pressure though? That's coming from me. Not my parents. Not my parents in law. And not ever from my husband. I think he rather suffers than to pressure me just about anything.

Well, except to prepare for our anniversary trip to Maldives next week which I am not so keen on participating. Five years. An incredibly happy marriage. A miscarriage. Two pregnancy programs. Zero baby.

Shouldn't we sign up for another pregnancy program instead of going on vacation? I know our first two weren't successful but... I'm ready if he wants to try again.

I close my journal when Kora the little maltese we adopted last year barks and nudges my leg. I look at the clock and see that it's time for her walk. Usually, we walk her together, but her dad came home in the wee hours of morning and still asleep.

"Wait here, Kora, I'll say goodbye to your Appa." I go to our room and smile seeing him still sleeping so soundly. I caress his face and try to wake him up.

"Yeobo, I'll walk Kora, okay?" He doesn't open his eyes but his reaction never changes. He loops his arms around me and brings me closer to his position on the bed. "Can Kora wait about 15 minutes? I want to walk with you." I hold his head and frame his handsome face with my hand. "I'll make sure she waits. Come on, Appa, wake up."

I kiss him softly on the lips which he changes instantly to a passionate kiss. My lips are swollen by the time we're apart. "Good morning, Yeobo." He smiles and stretches out in bed which gives me a very good view of my shirtless husband.

"You can join me in bed, you know. Kora will understand that her Eomma and Appa need more time between the sheets." Kora says otherwise before I can respond anything. She barges in our room and barks, bringing her leash and putting it on my feet. I grin at my husband who laughs and gets up from the bed.

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