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Edward didn't come to school the next day, or the day after that.

The third day he did show up.

Bella and Dade were leaning against her loud truck, Bella was reading her book, Dade was waiting for Alice.

They were going to walk to Gym together.

They had become friends. Jessica and the rest of them were more bellas friends. Except Angela.

Angela was usually the person Dade talked to at lunch.

The whispering and staring stopped.

Now everyone was use to the girls.

A jeep and silver Volvo pulled into the parking lot. Emmett was standing in the back.

Dade stood up straight and waited for Alice.

She was surprised to see Edward come out of the Volvo but ignored him, focusing her attention on Alice.

When Alice stepped out of the car, she didn't look in Dades direction, she avoided her gaze and walked with Jasper.

Dade frowned. Thats strange. Usually she walked up to Dade and said hello or something.

Dade shrugged it off and turned to Bella.

Bella was staring at Edward, her gaze burning holes into the side of his head.

Dade nudged Bella. "Go confront him"

"I'll wait until class."

Dade rolled her eyes. "Wussy"

Bella rolled her eyes and started walking to class.

Dade had Gym. When she got there, Alice wasn't anywhere in the Gym.

Rosalie was there. Edward wasn't.

Dade sat on the bench and started reading. She felt a tap on here shoulder and saw rosalie.

"What?" She asked.

Rosalie smiled and sat down. "Is Alice ignoring you?"

"No. She didn't walk to class with me this morning and she didn't say good morning. Why?"

Rosalie sighed. "Do you like Alice?"

"Yeah she's a great friend"

"Hmm.. I'm sorry."

"For what?" Dade asked.

"For my brother's attitude towards your sister. He thinks you are bad for Alice, that's why she's ignoring you"

"She's ignoring me because of something your brother said?"

"Edward has a big influence on our family. They all listen to him. Not me though, I don't care what he has to say."

"Why are you talking to me?" Dade asked.

"You make my sister happy. In a short amount of time, you've known each other. And I think she shouldn't ignore you because my stupid brother said so" Rosalie stood up and started down at Dade.

"She can't ignore you for more than two hours. Talk to her"

"Oh uh okay?"

Rosalie walked away towards her spot watching the people play their game.

Dade stood up and exited the Gym.

"Alice, alice...where are you?" Dade muttered.

She thought of all the places Alice could be. "Car? No. Class?.. Wait right now is Gym....under the stair case? Yes!"

Dead Girl~☆Alice Cullen☆~Where stories live. Discover now