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Weeks had passed since the night of prom, and with time things changed; people had changed.

So much had happened in the past few weeks that Dade would have forgotten her sister's birthday, luckily the nights before Edward had discussed a birthday party Alice was thinking of throwing for Bella with her.

Dade had spent the past few nights meeting up with Edward in secret behind the house while Bella slept, telling him about what decor she liked and themes or how she had made a point of demanding Dade didn't get a gift for her.

Of course, no one would listen to Bella, and Edward decided to find out these things for Alice since Bella refused to tell her in hopes of her giving up on the idea of throwing a birthday party for her.

But Alice was, of course, too 'caring' she had said, Dade called her 'stubborn'.

The Cullens all agreed to help out with the party, but not before going on a hunting trip to keep their hunger at bay.

The pale moonlight showed on Dade's face, showing her flushed cheeks and wide eyes.

Alice had her arms wrapped around the girl to keep her warm while Edward, she and Dade discussed how they would do everything tomorrow.

"Okay so, as far as I know, she has somewhat of an idea about the birthday party but not much....just a little suspicion," Dade said.

Edward nodded. "As long as you keep her away from our house until I can drive her there, then it should still be a surprise."

Dade rolled her eyes. "Well, it's not like she's going to run straight to your house after school Edward."

Edward sighed and locked his jaw.
Alice placed her free hand on Dade's arm and gave a soft reassuring smile.

"Calm down, he's just trying to clear up things." She said.

Dade instantly felt the annoyance in her die down and she sighed.

"Well, he should know where she'll be, after all, he's practically her conjoined twin."

Edwards's eyes glared at her and he gritted his teeth.

"What? And you and Alice aren't?" He said irritated.

Dade glared. "Well, at least we can leave each other alone for five minutes without pissing ourselves crying."

Edward opened his mouth to say something back, taking a step closer to Dade before Alice intervened.

"Okay, both of you stop it. You're behaving like children." Alice said.

Edward rolled his eyes. "She's behaving like a child."

"At least I don't act like a grumpy old man." Dade shot back.

Edwar gave a cocky smile.

"Well, I am an old man."

Dade kicked a rock with her shoe rolling her eyes.

"So fucking annoying." She muttered.

The past few weeks she and Bella had been on and off fighting, mostly because Bella and Edward and been inseparable to the point where Bella had stopped going out with her friends and always rushed off to her room to wait for Edward. This irritated Dade and she made it clear she didn't approve of how obsessed they were with each other. Of course, this irritation had started rubbing off on Edward the moment he started butting into their arguments.

Most of the time Alice had to stop the pair from bickering knowing Dade would probably start trying to throw punches at Edward eventually.

This made the party planning extra difficult.

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