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Alice sighed.

It would be okay. It would. As long as Edward didn't talk to Bella for a little longer.

"Give them some time to settle in. It is for the best Alice." He had said the morning earlier.

"He's right. I'll give her a few weeks and then I'll talk to her. The less she knows the better."

You see the previous night, Alice had a vision.

It was about some new vampires coming to town.

The Cullens were playing baseball and they showed up, one of them caught whiff of Dade and Bella and things got out of hand.

They left and took the girls to a hotel.

Somehow they ended up in a room with him, it showed him bite Dade and Bella. And then they were lying motionless on the floor.

Edward said it would be best to stay away from the girls until the vampires left town. That way they didn't get hurt.

Alice didn't like the idea of not being by Dade's side, but she also didn't want Dade to get hurt.

As long as Edward ignored Bella for a few weeks they would be good.

Alice sighed and placed her head against the steering wheel.

"Why? Why now? I was finally close to her, and this happens? Fuck sakes"

She heard someone get in her car and didn't bother to look up to know it was Jasper.

"What's the matter, Darling?" Jasper said.

A few decades ago Alice had vision of Jasper joining they're family.

She searched for him, he more then happily joined them.

Did they date for a bit? Maybe....

They had a fling, it was nice, it made Alice happy.

But they decided they wanted to remain friends, after Alice told Jasper she might like woman (which he fully supported)

Jasper rubbed her back gently as she stared at her steering wheel.

"You did it then?" Jasper asked sadly, he didn't like seeing Alice sad like this.

"Yep." Alice said, her voice full of saddness.

Jasper frowned and pulled her into a hug. "Its okay, Darling. Its only for a few weeks."

"Jasper, i...she's my Mate. My one person i spend my immortatily with. She makes me happy." Alice said lifting her head.

"I know, i know." Jasper said.

Alice snuggled into her chest.

"I don't want her to get hurt. lately Edwards been making alot of decisons for me, which sucks you know? But we need to keep both of them safe"

Jasper farrowed his eyebrows.

"Both of them?" He asked.

"Yeah, Bella and Dade. Me and Edward can't talk to them. Because both of them will get hurt if we do, i thought you knew that?" Alice pulled away from the hug.

Jasper shrugged. "I just assumed it was just Dade, since i saw Edward talking to Bella today."

"What? Wait maybe he was just telling her to leave him alone?" Alice asked.

Jasper shook his head. "No, i saw him walking with her in the hallways. I don't think he told her."

Jasper sensed her get angry.

Dead Girl~☆Alice Cullen☆~Where stories live. Discover now