Part 5

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Diva's POV
A Couple Months Later(1997)

Killa had Chelle and myself walking forever.

"Aye, I could've drove." I said. "You said the place was right off the train."

"It is." She insisted.

"We been walking twenty minutes." Chelle said.

"Exactly." I said.

"Would y'all chill. We here." She said.

I looked up at what looked to be an abandoned wearhouse near Coney Island. We followed Killa in and it was creepy as fuck.


"Just wait for it." She said.

We continued walking until we came to this silver door. It almost looked like a vault. Killa put in a code and the door opened. I didn't even know this place had power.

We walked in and she turned on the lights as she closed and locked the door.

"Bitch, we in a bunker?" Chelle asked.

"No, it's my loft." She said going to walk in front of us and we followed.

This was a nice ass loft. I knew Killa had a secret hideaway somewhere.

"Here's the real reason I like this spot." She said and went to what I assumed was a closet but was heavily surprised. "My gun closet."

"Bitch, how many guns you got?" I asked stepping closer to her collection.

Chelle was right beside me. She had rifles, glocks, eagle pistols, machine guns, and so much more.

"You tryna blow up New York?" Chelle asked.

"Nah, different jobs require different equipment." She said picking up an Uzi.

I knew befriending her was a good idea.

For the rest of the afternoon we chilled at Killa's hideout.

"So you telling me you had this sweet ass hideout and you was at my place?" I asked.

"Well, it's kind of lonely and with Chelle staying at your spot I don't feel so alone." She said.

I nodded understanding. I had been staying at my spot more than Darnell's too. That lonely feeling sucks but Chelle and Killa was helping me out with that. I really liked hanging around them.

"Don't worry. Soon we might can get a bigger spot." I said.

"How?" Chelle asked. "I'm still in school. I don't have no job."

"Your job is to stay in school." I said. "I'll work out everything else."

"Uh Uh, what you got planned?" Killa asked.

"Don't worry. We gonna be straight. I wanna introduce y'all to some people tonight." I said.

"People? What people?" Chelle asked.

"Just some people that you gonna need to know if you can't contact me." I said.

I have to make sure the girls have contact with Gabby, Lola, and Trina in case my plan goes south. I want Chelle taken care of. She got big dreams and I wanna make them happen if I'm here or not.

After a few hours we left and went back to my spot to grab my car. I drove them out to Jersey.

"Damn, who live out here?" Chelle asked as we drove over to Lola's spot.

"People you need to know." I said.

I parked and all three of us got out. I knocked on the door and waited for Lola to open the door.

Diva: Won't Stop The Hustle: Prequel Where stories live. Discover now