Part 8

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Diva's POV
(Same Day As Last Upload)

I yawned as I walked down the hallway to the kitchen. I walked in and Christian was cleaning a gun. I really gotta get used to her.

I went in the fridge and got my food from the previous night to warm up.

I turned from the microwave to look at her.

"I feel you looking at me. What's up?" she asked.

"Killa really your sister?" I asked.

"Yep, did the gun give it away?" She asked as she focused on putting it back together.

"How long you been dealing?" I asked.

"Two years and yes I have more if you need some." She said and I smiled in my head but stopped.

She thirteen and doing basically the same shit I was doing at that age. Damn.

"Do you wanna do all this? Deal? Kill? Train?" I asked.

"No choice." She said.

"If you had one." I said.

She looked at me. "I honestly don't know. I don't know nothing else."

I know that feeling.

"Thanks for the fifty thousand you slid in for me." She said.

"Yeah, you need your own money." I said before getting my food out the microwave.

I got my food and turned back to the island and saw Chelle walking in looking like the living dead.

"It's a kid in here." She stated.

"Yep, Chelle meet Christian, Killa's little sister." I said.

Chelle looked at me and then Christian and then back at me.

"Wait, what?"

"Killa will explain when she wake up. How you feeling?" I asked.

"I've been worse." She said. "Nice to meet you Christian, I'm Chelle."

"Nice to meet you." She said as she finished putting the gun together.

"Oh, there's that family gene." She said and we laughed.

Fifteen minutes later Killa walked in. She went to grab a water and sat by me across from her sister and Chelle.

"You good? You been good?" Killa asked looking at Christian who was busy loading her gun.

"Meaning?" Christian asked not taking her eyes off her gun.

"You know what I mean." Killa said.

Christian finally looked at her. "Why do you even care? You left."

"I had to, okay." Killa said. "Are you good?"

"Yes, no one ever touched me. Happy?"

"Actually yes." Killa said and Christian rolled her eyes. "You got a body?"

We all looked at Christian.

"Yes." She said but we didn't buy it. "Okay, no."

"That ain't nothing to be ashamed about." Chelle said. "I wish I didn't catch a body."

"But it was in self defense. It was him or me and you saved me." I said. "You don't need to be ashamed either."

"How many bodies you got Killa?" Christian asked. "You've been gone so long you gotta be in triple digits now."

"Don't worry about my bodies. My job right now is to make sure you don't get any." Killa said.

"You're suppose to train me. That's why I'm here. Rochelle said-"

Diva: Won't Stop The Hustle: Prequel Where stories live. Discover now