Part 13

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"So this is what you choose?" Diva asked as they sat in a McDonald's.

"What? You too good for Mickey?" King asked smirking.

"Nope but I would've preferred a sandwich from a bodega." She said shrugging. "I'm not from out here so I followed your lead."

"You think imma lead you into danger?" He asked smiling and she rolled her eyes.

"Nigga, go get my egg, bacon, and cheese. You said you'd feed me." She said looking at him as they sat in the booth.

"Aight, aight." He said getting up. "You bossy as hell."

"And you still don't have my sandwich. Get a hash brown too."  She said as he shook his head and went to the register.

Diva checked her two way and looked around the strange McDonald's. She made sure she looked at all the exits just in case she needed to get away quick.

Soon King came back to the table with everything she asked for plus some orange juice.

She reached for it and King pulled it back. She looked at him.

"What do you say when someone does something nice?" He asked.

"Give me my shit." She said.

"Now that's not nice."


"Okay, okay." He said giving her everything. "It's one thing to get shot for being disrespectful but a breakfast sandwich, nope."

She laughed at that as they started to eat.

"Thank you."

"So you do have manners?"King said laughing.

"Got to when you want people to do what you want." She said.

"So what you want me to do?" He asked.

"Nothing." She said shaking her head and looking at him. "You different. You get it. Other motherfuckers won't get it cause they don't have to."

King nodded understanding what she was saying. They continued eating until they were done.

"So what's next?" Diva asked.

King checked his two way and saw a message from Ace.

"We might gotta go save Ace." He said standing and laughing.

"Why?" She asked.

"Your girl left him stranded. Something about a test." He said as Diva stood.

"If she missed that test I'm sure she left him stranded." She said.

Ace's POV

This is not how I thought my first POV in this story would go.

I'm walking down the street with no car because Chelle stole it. Let me tell you what happened after we got in the car this morning.

"If I miss this test Ace-"

"Okay, why am I to blame?" I asked driving.

"Roll up another one Chelle. I'll make sure you up on time." She mocked and yelled.

I stayed silent because yes I did say that but who the fuck doesn't set an alarm.

I drove to campus at top speed and stopped and before I could say anything she hopped out my car and sprinted. Damn, I wonder how mad she actually is.

I went to park my car and then went to my own class.

I finished my class and walked outside.

"Aye, you Ace?" I heard and I reached for my gun as I turned around.

Diva: Won't Stop The Hustle: Prequel Where stories live. Discover now