26: "will you...

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Daniella's pov

It's been 3 years, yep, 3 years, I was now 21 years old, why don't we has grown alot, everyone is happy.

Jack is happy, little lavender is still as adorable as before although her and Gabbie moved to Hawai.

Daniel FINALLY has a girlfriend and he is finally happy, it's nice to see him truly be happy, he's been through alot.

As for Corbyn him and Christina decided to break up, but they still remain very close friends. I'm still so proud of them two!

As for Zach..  well... me and him moved on, he has a beautiful girlfriend called Kay, they are a much better match then we ever were, me and him are still close friends of course!

As for Jonah.. well.. let's just say, we are happily boyfriend and girlfriend, after me and Zach officially called it quits we all got time for ourselves, we all started from a whole fresh page, as for me I have released five albums that were big hits in the charts, I feel truly happy and free.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I felt the familiar embrace of arms wrap around my waist as I was washing the dishes, I giggled as I kissed Jonah on the cheek "washing the dishes for your mom" I smiled as I put a bubble from the soap on his nose "hey!" He laughed and wiped it off.

Me and Jonah were at his parents house for the week, it gave me a chance to meet his family, his house feels like home.
After I cleaned the dishes for Jonah's mom me and Jonah went on a walk for some fresh air "hey jo.." I smiled as I picked a flower from a bush as we walked past "hm?" He looked and smiled as we halted to a stop and he got the flowed and put it in my hair.

"What do you wanna do, for the future?" I giggled once again as he ruffled my hair before leaving the flower, "good question, it would be fun to be back with the others, say hi to the limelights" he held my hand as we continued walking once again "and spend time with the girl I love" he pulled me into him as he smiled and pulled me into a kiss, I smiled against his lips as I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck.

2 weeks later

"DANIEL JAMES SEAVEY I SWEAR!" I screamed as I ran, chasing after Daniel for stealing my snack, "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" he yelled back laughing as he ran behind a table as Jack and Zach watched "you have trapped yourself Daniel!" Jack laughed "that was the worst move you could ever make!" Zach laughed.

"They aren't wrong" I laughed as I jumped over the table and tackled daniel to the ground "HAHA!" I got up in victory as I got my snack back "sharing is caring you know!" Daniel pouted as he got up "I love you, but there's no way I'm sharing!" I poked my tounge out as I ate a bit of it "please" he begged with his ocean blue eyes, "fine!" I sighed and gave him half "YES! VICTORY IS OURS!" He laughed as I laughed along "wow- that was a intense game of seavey vs seavey-" corbyn laughed as him and Jonah joined us.

"You know.. I've realised something" Zach smiled at all of us "what is it?" Jonah asked looking over at zach, "even though we have all been through so much, we have made it through it all, of course there were some bumpy roads" Zach faked coughed "we all sticked together through it all, we have all grown up alot" Zach smiled once again.

"I-i- when did you grow up and become so wise?" I cringed at zach as everyone busted into laughter "way to ruin the moment!" Jonah laughed as he wrapped a arm around my waist, "it's true though, I think he's right" corbyn nodded and patted zach's back, "we have all made it" we all agreed.

"OH YEAH! Guys can you come check something with me?" Jonah looked up at all the others and everyone agreed as they all left me alone with Corbyn "what are they doing?" I furrowed my eyebrows and corbyn chuckled "I don't know- wanna go shopping or something? I heard Jonah wants to take you out somewhere" corbyn flashed his cheeky smile and I nodded "sure" I nodded, we got into his car and we drive off.

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