chp 3: what the fuck?!

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The lesson went by quickly, the uncomfortable feeling not being easy to shake, Why was Jonah being so.. tolerable, nice even? After so long of the same things happening repeatedly, it wasn't fair, it was tiring, it was draining.

Deep in thought as she put her hood over her head, a comfort, something that helped her feel a little more invisible to everyone else, just how she liked it.  Walking through the crowded halls in hopes of being left alone, finally reaching her locker to put her usual books away, brfore everything came to a halt, the familiar sounds reaching her ears a little too easily, whispering. Daniella's heart rate instantly quickened, fuck, fuck, fuck, are they talking about me? She wondered , but she knew she was rightfully scarce, of course they were talking about her, the glances over at her as the whispers got louder were hard to miss.

Sucking in a harsh breath, brusied hands working to quickly grab her bag out of her simple, boring locker, slamming it shut quickly locker, the only thing that made her panic was the deja vu, things like this happened regularly, alot of the times it always ended with an extra "lesson" with an extra bruise or other wound, the math's lesson still thresh within mind, what if he did that on purpose? What if they find you again for complying, what if its a trick? Millions of thoughts and 'what if's were flowing through her mind as she walked out of school to get away from everyone, the fear kept rising and rising, like a big wave about to strike, getting ready to hit at full force.

Finally relasing the sigh of relief as silence surrounded her, the park she wandered into was quiet, away from the students who haunted her even when she was away from them, away from the whispers. Heart rate slowly slowing down the more calm she grew before her steps stilled, oh how the silence was so loud.
Brows furrowed her gaze landed on her very own best friend, confusion settled in, unknown to everyone else Robecca was never meant to be in school today, she was meant to be at an appointment with her parents, we that's what she made Daniella bellive.
Her friend lying to her didn't hurt, no that wasn't the reason that made her breath hitch and caused her heart rate to quicken all over again, no.. it was how she was embraced in Daniel fucking Seavey's arms with their lips better of to be combined, "what the fuck is this?" She breathed out, gaze finally narrowing as realisation hit her at full force, her only friend.. her best friend was intertwined and most likely seeing one of the people that worked to make Daniella's life hell..

Instantly her voice sounded cold, her blood ran cold, tears threatening to spill from her eyes, instantly Robecca's eyes opened at full force before moving away a little quickly from Daniel's arms, shock written all over her features , it was only then it was noticeable, she was in panic, Ah.. this she wasn't meant to see. "D-daniella!" Robecca practically shrieked from shock, nothing but regret in her eyes as she  nervously scratched her neck, in this moment? Robecca didn't even need to say a word.
"w-why? after all these years of being friend's? Lying to me is easy to wrap my mind around" Daniella uttered, betrayal evident among her face "but this? Nit only have you disrespected me, you lied to me, your here instead of with me , locking lips with someone who has caused me more pain then i have ever experienced for the past 3 years" her eyes narrowed into a glare , seeing Robecca's feet start to move closer to Daniella "don't you dare even come close to me, don't even have the audacity to speak to me, all it would most likely be is a load of crap anyways" Just like your mouth, she thought to herself before swiftly turning on her heal and walking away, but fuck how she wished for the twinge of pain in her chest to go away.

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