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Kenma zones out as he glances at the art piece in front of him. There was nothing wrong with the artwork, but something about it reminded him of memories he would rather forget. Although, that was no reason to reject the piece.

Reluctantly he looked up to the artist and gave him a nod in approval. In the gallery, Kenma was responsible for accepting and declining art requested to be on display. The position wasn't a challenge for the boy since he had grown up surrounded by art. He looks at the skill but mainly focuses on the feeling and emotion behind a piece. The soul behind the art was what truly brought it to life.

After approving the artwork, Kenma and the artist would come to an agreement on the location and the renters' fee. In exchange for it's display in the gallery, the artist owed him a fee. It wasn't anything steep but just enough to bring the gallery an income.

The artist had left, but Kenma couldn't take his eyes off the image. What about it was so interesting to the dual-haired boy? He couldn't answer that question.

While enchanted by the painting a soft hand wrapped itself around the slim of his waist. The sudden contact broke Kenma out of the trance the painting put him in. He whipped his head to the side.

Kenma's shoulders slowly relaxed to see that it was his boyfriend that had wrapped around him. His heart rate slowed, knowing that some stranger didn't just come and hug him. Once again Kenma's attention was brought back to the new painting that sat on the wall in front of him.

"Something pique your interest?" Akaashi's voice was soft and wouldn't be picked up by anyone other than the boy in his grasp.

Kenma stared at the picture for a few more seconds before turning his head towards Akaashi. He looked at the taller boy for a moment before glancing back at the piece and then began walking away.


Kenma made his way through his gallery not taking the time to look at any of the art that littered the walls. Even though he chose every piece looking at them made him feel something inside that discomforted him. After the art was placed on the wall that would be the last time he genuinely looked at it.

Kenma finally made it to the front desk of the gallery. There was no one to watch the desk during the night, and Kenma was seriously considering hiring someone to work those hours. Most people wouldn't apply for the position since it would go late into the night. Most days Akaashi would stay and attend the front desk, but his classes were about to change to be in the morning. Kenma didn't want to burden his boyfriend.

Kenma sat down at the desk and brought his knees up to his chest. Part of him wanted to curl up completely, but he was content with just having his knees pulled close. Akaashi had followed Kenma through the gallery and stood by him at the desk. Akaashi slightly leaned on the desk but didn't want to look slouchy in case someone entered the gallery. Kenma leaned his head on the back of the chair, giving him a different angle of the room he sat in.

"Kashi, I was thinking. Would it be a good idea to hire someone for the evening shift?"

Akaashi glanced over to the boy looking up at the ceiling. "It might not be a bad idea. I'm about to attend morning classes, and it's not your job to run the front desk." Honestly, it wasn't either of their jobs but no one else wanted to so they managed. "I can put out a request if you'd like."

"That'd be great thanks"

The taller of the two simply nodded in response.

_ _ _

After the gallery closed for the night, Akaashi was about to say his goodbyes and make his way back to his apartment, but he wanted to spend a bit more time with his boyfriend. Kenma worked all hours of the day and neglected himself, that concerned Akaashi. It was hard to see his boyfriend not take care of himself. Constantly forgetting meals, never sleeping, shutting himself in his studio for days on end. All of those actions made Akaashi want to stay even closer to the small boy. Akaashi knew if he were to leave, Kenma would go back to his studio and spend another night with his eyes glued to a canvas.

Akaashi noticed as the other boy began to make his way to his studio. He had to stop him before he got to set on going back. Quickly he reached out and intertwined his fingers with the other boys. The action caused the sleep-deprived boy to stop dead in his tracks.

"Baby, I want to stay with you tonight."

Akaashi can see the furrow in his more than likely now grumpy boyfriend's eyebrows. He couldn't help but have a small smile appear across his face, even with being given a pout from the shorter boy. Akaashi knew if he didn't force Kenma away from his work then he would go until he collapsed. Reluctantly the smaller of the two grumbled out a little okay.

Akaashi cupped his hands on Kenma's soft, slightly pink cheeks. He held his face up enough to place a soft kiss on his lips. Kenma warmed up to the kiss and returned it with one just as soft. They exchanged a few more gentle pecks before Kenma wrapped his arms around the other's waist. Soft kisses quickly turned into long warm hugs. Akaashi could physically feel Kenmas shoulders lose tension as he was being held. Before too long Kenma's body was begging to feel heavy and put more weight onto the other.

"Getting sleepy?"

All that was returned was a small nod. They made their way back into their office which had a futon inside it. Kenma did have his own apartment but he very rarely left the gallery to go back to it. That caused Akaashi to buy the futon. It also came in handy when Akaashi just really needed a nap. They both had tendencies of overworking themselves. With that in mind, the futon seemed like a good idea.

When they both got inside the room Akaashi wrapped the smaller in one more long hug before getting a blanket out for them to share. Akaashi's heart fluttered and a blush spread all over the boy's face. It had been a while since he got to spend the whole night with his lover. All parts of him looked forward to being wrapped in the other's warmth for the whole night.

Kenma was already laying down half asleep before the blanket was even on him. Suddenly he was under the soft fabric and his boyfriend had crawled in beside him, instantly making the space a bit more comfortable. Kenma nuzzled his face into the crook of his partner's neck savoring his soft scent. He loved the feeling of his secure arms around him. It wasn't long before Akaashi noticed the boy cuddled up in his arms slowly drifting off to sleep.

"I love you" Akaashi whispered. Before Kenma even had the chance to respond he was out like a light.




Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. The rest of the chapters will be more interesting, and longer. This was just to set up what's to come.

Sorry if there were any grammatical errors

Thank you for reading! (:

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