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Bokuto was only halfway confident in asking Kenma if he wanted to visit the grave, but when he received a nearly silent "Sure" he felt like he made the right choice. So that was how they ended up making an hour and a half long trip down to the grave.

When the car pulled up to the lot Kenma sat in the car for the longest time. "We don't need to go if you aren't ready," Kuroo reassured him. Kenma shook his head to them. So they waited until he was ready. They would allow him to take all the time he needed.

Finally, after nearly an hour, Kenma took a deep breath and opened the car door, and stepped out onto the pavement. The weather was pleasant, only a soft breeze blowing his hair ever so slightly. Akaashi took his hand and led him to the grave he was familiar with.

Kenma was unsure what to do, but he watched as Akaashi said his hello and placed the flowers they had gotten in one of the pots beside the grave. Kenma looked around at his lovers, and none of them seemed to expect anything from him, so he took it at his own pace.

It took a little bit of time, but he finally started with what he wanted to say. "Um, hi mom, dad." A few tears fell from his eyes. "I uh, I know it's been a while. I'm sorry, I know I should have come by sooner. I promise to stop by more." His voice cracked slightly as he spoke. "I miss you, I always have."

He looked down at the names seeing the all too familiar spelling of his loved ones engraved onto the stone. While looking he could feel a hand grab his. He glanced over and saw Akaashi. He smiled at him slightly before turning back to the grave. He let out a soft wet laugh and kept talking. "You both already know Akaashi. Don't worry he's been taking good care of me, but he's always been good at that."

Kenma turned to look at Kuroo and Bokuto before turning back. "You never got to meet them, but those two are Bokuto and Kuroo. Dad would love them, and Mom I'm sure you would too. They've all been taking care of me. They mean the world to me." As Kenma finished up speaking, he felt a warm breeze brush through his hair. It reminded him of all the times his mother would play with his hair. It was nice.

They spent a while there, and Kenma finished the visit off with a promise to return soon.

The car ride home was silent, but Kenma felt content. After years his heart felt lighter, almost like a warm fire on a cold day. They made their way home, and all went to crash on the bed since they all had been awake since two am the night before.

Kuroo went to make them all something to eat for dinner, leaving the rest of them to sit and wait on the couch. Exhaustion quickly caught up to them as they all began to fall asleep on the couch. Kuroo had walked back into the living room to see all of his boyfriends asleep in a cuddle pile. He went and put the food in the fridge before joining them all on the couch.

Kenma's eyes cracked open, and he glanced over to Kuroo. "I love you." He said quietly. Kuroo's lips raised in a faint smile before he snuggled into them with a blanket.

"I love you too. I love you all so much."

Broken Memories (BokuAkaKuroKen) Where stories live. Discover now