a...befuddling encounter

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"what the bloody fuck are those"

"wings Mr potter. it was my impression that that would be quite obvious, but, perhaps not"

"wings! I don't want ruddy wings. i was very happy without wings. why the ruddy hell-"

and then he stopped short. and a moan escaped him.

Snape had stroked his wings. 

said man pulled away as if he was burnt. but that didn't matter to harry. because every nerve in Harry's body was on fire, and he was moaning. because Snape touched him. because Snape touched his wings. and harry was instantly and painfully aware of how hard he was.

 Snape cleared his throat and harry looked away. 

"wh-what am i?" 

"a dark fae. it seems like the goblet of fire took Dumbledore's age line extremely seriously, as a contender in the triwizard tournament, the cup decided to make you legally an adult, it literally made you grow into a wizarding adult, in a second"

"so I'm 17"

"yes. however doing this so fast, and with how malnourished your body was, nearly killed you. so a dormant inheritance gene from your-" Snape's lips curled "paters side kicked in to save your sorry arse. there are quite a few changes that come with your new inheritance, so i had the foresight to bring you a few books. I shall be back in an hour to escort you to your new premises', as you will no longer be able to share a dorm with your fellow peers. if you have any questions, save them for when I come back."

"will I be able to see my friends again"

Snape looked at him as if he had grown two extra heads, but the slight uncomfortableness masked behind his eyes was still there. "your getting a new room, we're not locking you up in the castle basement."

somehow Snape's scathing tone that normally made him seethe with riotousness  just made him relax into the covers. 

Snape looked at him oddly for a second. just a second. 

then he swept away.

and for some reason harry thought his soul had swept away with him.


I hope this is okay! 

just a thought to all the people suffering the winter hardships in Texas and the people helping them! stay safe and social distance!


372 words :) 

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