Ruddy Gryffindors!

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when harry walked into the Gryffindor common room behind Hermione,  all heads turned towards him.

harry mentally groaned. the last time he'd been the common room, his victory against the dragon was on the forefront of everyone's mind. but no doubt once the victory high had gone, he had known he'd be answering their questions, before they started he made a beeline for the twins

"congratulations about the Draco thing" harry said in a low voice, pulling them both into a hug. then he let his nails expand and dug them into their backs "if you hurt him ill choke you both on your own cocks is that understood"

the twins nodded frantically and only after that he allowed them to step away.

he turned round to see Ron his arm in a sling

"I'm so-" harry started but Ron cut him off

"no worries, mione explained to me I'm sorry for angering you" Ron gave him a sheepish grin.

harry started, then grinned.

"so you and the greasy ol' dungeons bat eh?" Seamus asked

harry growled "me and Severus yes" he answered stiffly

"so you're like a vampire, uber cool mate" dean said attempting to lighten the tense atmosphere.

"fae and yes technically a vampire, i drink my mates blood."

"isn't he a death eater?"

"no" harry it out, pressing his nails into his palms so as not to lash out.

"but he has the dark mark"

"look I said he's not a death eater and you're just gonna have to accept that got it mate?" harry stepped towards the 6th year whose name he couldn't for the life of him remember.

"i think you should just shut it" Ron cut in quickly as the 6th year opened his mouth to protest.

 "he's old enough to be you're father" shouted someone, and murmurs of assent travelled through the common room.

"SO" bellowed harry over the noise "and my kits a month older than me,. but when have i ever done anything by halves"

Neville laughed stepping forward to clap harry on the back "you got us there mate"

"thanks Nev, and that reminds me" harry smiled at Neville "touch Draco Malfoy or harm him in anyway and ill decapitate you then eat your remains you got that . he's my kit, so technically you harm him and I kill you, I wont even go to Azkaban"

"kit but doesn't that mean father? you shagging Lucius Malfoy as well are you?"

before harry could lunge at the 5th yr, Hermione sent a wandless silencing charm at the boy

"Lucius Malfoy is a married man, and is not the mate of harry potter. kindly keep you're insinuations to yourself, miss Evelyn, and 5 points from Gryffindor for terse language" Hermione said, switching  to prefect mode (I know that she was not prefect in 4th year, but sorry)

"I don't care if he's mated to you-know-who as long as he turns up to quidditch practice and wins us the house cup" said Angelina Johnson.

harry smiled, then turned towards the tapping at the window

an owl

harry flicked his wand and the window opened.

the owl swooped in, a big black feathered beast, with golden eyes, swooped around the room once, landed a letter on Harry's head, hooted, then left out of the still open window.

harry opened the enevolpe, heart sinking as he recognised the scratchy handwriting on the fornt that said harry. out fluttered the newspaper cutting that harry recognised: known death eater and the boy who lived romance! our saviour a dark creature?

our boy hero left in tears after the death of his parents. harry potter tells all!

by Rita skeeter

and just 5 words in sirius' scratchy handwriting: Dumbledore's office 8pm friday explain. 

well shit.


2 in one dayyyyyyy yay

love ya


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642 words :) 

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