A frank talk with a dragon (kind of) and fire

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harry walked out of the potions class with a spring in his step. which stopped when he saw Draco slammed up against the wall by Ron, with Ron's wand pressed up against his neck.

"NO!" harry pushed his magic outwards and Ron slammed into the opposite wall. he was dimly aware of Hermione screaming, but he didn't care

"Draco, Draco, kit! are you okay, are you hurt?" he rushed towards Draco when he saw a gash on his cheek, pressing his palm against it and allowing his magic to heal the wound.

"what the bloody hell was that" Ron gasped 

"Mr Weasley, Mr potter, miss granger, and , Draco? what is going on?"

Snape swept out of the classroom and was now watching the scene with morbid curiosity and dawning horror

"what's going on is he HURT.MY.KIT" harry snarled, turning to face the trembling red-head still on the floor, wings up and razor sharp, fangs on show

Severus's face was a mask of horror 

"professor Snape what's happening?" Hermione asked quietly

"he's recognized Draco as my godson, practically my son. he's adopted him as his own kit, and-"

"recognized Ron as a threat because he was hurting his kit" Hermione finished, then her face morphed into terror "RON NO"

the red-head was up of the floor and  storming towards Draco "I don't know what you've done to harry Malfoy but I swear to Circe I will-"

he didn't have time to finish: harry sent a burst of raw fire straight at the boys shoulder. he screamed in agony.

"don't you even THINK about touching my kit"

"professor do something!" said the witch, wringing her hands at the scene, but the professor was already advancing slowly towards harry and Draco, who had had the sense to stay still and keep quiet 

"miss granger, I suggest you get the Weasley boy to the hospital wing and then get Dumbledore, I need to calm down harry before he tears down the whole school"

he advanced towards harry, who snarled before recognizing him "sev'rus"

Severus stopped before him and signalled to Draco not to move before pulling harry towards his own neck "drink"

and harry latched on, moaning as he sank his fangs into his mates neck.

Severus picked up the small vampire and grabbed Draco, marching the unlikely trio down to his private quarters.

"you know what is happening right?" 

"yes, harry recognised me as his kit and got defensive" said Draco sitting down on the couch.

Severus looked down at the now sleeping, emerald eyed fae in his arms, fingers absently combing through his mate's thick hair.

"you recognise me as more of a father than your own" stated Severus quietly.

Draco hesitated before nodding "yes, that's why I was waiting back, i wanted to apologize to harry and make my intentions of which side I am clear"

"and which side is that Draco?" asked Severus, carefully

Draco squared his shoulders "with harry, whichever side he may choose and more importantly with my mates"


okay im giving you guys the choice between two ships



i rlly hate dracoxginny no offense so yh. im writing the next chapter tommorow, so if i dont get a comment ill pick one! :)

love kat

515 words! :) 

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