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im sorry for the slow updates: i just got confirmation that im doing my french gcse in yr 9 instead of yr 11, so im revising for my mocks and didnt have much time to update



to say Sirius black was angry was an understatement. hell to say Sirius black was fuming was an understatement. Dumbledore had a hand in this he just knew it. he was gonna break the old goats neck. right after he broke snivellus'. 

to also say Sirius black neither liked nor entirely trusted one Albus Dumbledore was also an understatement. to say he hated and did not trust him as far as he could hex the man was also an understatement. and harry... poor sweet harry. no. Dumbledore had gone to far with this one. so Sirius had done the only thing he could think of doing in this situation. 

he unlocked his Slytherin side.


to say Severus Snape was surprised when a rough hand had grabbed onto him on his way to Dumbledore's office was an understatement. though he would never admit it, he was shocked to speechlessness when he say his would be kidnapper.

"black-" he sputtered

the man cut him off

"the walls have ears snivellus"

said man, he shock of curly black hair swishing round his shoulders, turned upon his heel and led Severus - half dragged him would be more accurate Severus sneered, though not outloud: he had no wish to aggravate the man even further. even though he despised him, harry loved him and he would to his best to put up with the idiot. merlin forbid as long as the idiot didn't kill him before he could get a word in edgeways.

"first things first-" began Sirius as he rounded on Severus on Severus in the deserted alcove behind merrius merrithoughts picture. "do you trust Dumbledore." 

Severus always thought about the words that came out of his mouth before he said anything. and, for once, Severus just looked, and he Sirius, a man who had lost everything to the greater good. a man, whom it seemed to see his only reason to live was too keep harry alive 

black eyes met grey.


Sirius nodded, his face hardening in resolve "so here's what we do" 

Emerald and Obsidian Snarry// badlightsideWhere stories live. Discover now