a frank lecture...by the real Hermione granger

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he had changed. his cheekbones sharper, but facial features still soft. his face was clear, and his nose had grown smaller. his eyes seemed more vibrant, and, not hidden behind glasses that  he didn't seem to need anymore, where sharp and clear. he was lithe instead of muscular, with a curvy body and waist length, silly black hair, with a streak of deep blue running through it.  his lips were full, red and kissable. he was shorter, but he didn't mind. 

then his eyes were at his wings. huge and black.... with red tips. he was a royal. and the wings pointed downwards. he took a deep breathe in. he had only three months to find a mate. three months. but... he had found him already hadn't he, he thought bitterly. the touch of his potions professor had seemed to set him alight. the touch of the man that hated him. 

he was crying so hard he didn't even realise when Hermione shuffled in. he did, however notice, when she touched his wings. he cringed away instinctively.

"sorry" she smiled ruefully "I forgot. when I found out what your inheritance was I went straight to the-"

"library" he cut in

Hermione smiled. but it died on her face as soon as she saw his tears.

"what's wrong?"

harry offered no explanation.

Hermione was about to ask again, when her eyes fell on his wings.

"its okay to be.... a sub harry, it doesn't make you any weaker it doesn-"

"he hates me" harry sobbed, falling to the ground.

he barely notices when Hermione wrapped her arms around him, careful not to touch his wings

"he hates me he hates me he hates me" he muttered rocking back and forth in her arms

"who hates you.... your mate? you've found your mate. but that's impossible! the only people allowed to see you was Madame Pomphrey, Dumbledore, me and- and.... no" she whispered "its professor Snape isn't it?"

harry nodded jerkily. his tears subsiding.

"harry he's not going to let you die. he may not like it at first but he wont let you die. don't worry."

"he hates me"

"harry snap out of it! he will not let you die. he will not. you need to calm down!"

and for some reason that did calm him. because Severus would not let him die. 

would he?


hi all! wow! 3 updates in one day. now that's progress! :) 

hope you like it so far. 

votes and comments are always appreciated

love kat!

yh sorry. ron is still a dick in this. im still (kind off) following (ish) canon so...yh

440 words! :)

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