dumbles makes a few misplaced decisions

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To Harry's surprise, both men walked in together, not looking like they've been arguing or killing each other.

Harry slumped miserably into his chair well I guess the fun starts now.

Severus, Sirius my boys, glad you could make it, come in come in sit down. lemon drop anyone?" the old headmaster called out jovially.

Severus sneered and Harry could feel the animosity towards the headmaster rolling off Severus in waves.

"no I would not like a lemon drop headmaster, and I will not sit down. I want this matter settled as fast as possible" said severus gritting his teeth and leaning against the fireplace.

"too good to sit down now snivellous?" sneered Sirius, flopping down in the chair next to harry and talking a fistful of the sickly yellow candies. He wanted to test a theory and those candies were the easiest way possible to test it. He shoved them into the pocket of his robes for later.

Severus sneered right back, but that was a moment - just a tiny moment that Harry caught between the two men who meant so much to him. Understanding.

Harry sat up straighter and looked at the two men properly.

don't worry Harry the message burned into his bracelet we've reached an understanding, just play along.

"harry" Sirius smiled thinly at him, eyes full of warmth and an unspoken message "you doing alright so far he has not killed you yet I see. dumbledore what is the meaning of this travestly, letting this paedophile of a man defile my godson."

"now now Sirius, remember what we talked about in our letters. Severus is Harry's mate, and therefore cannot hurt him. there's nothing you or I or anyone could do to change that, but we do have an issue.

"issue?" Severus looked on confused.

everyone in the room turn to dumbledore. "There's been a few questions asked about the validity of your relationship, of course they know from incidents past and present that you're definitely both of creature blood and this isn't some scheme of the light side" dumbledore said putting quotes around scheme and laughed jovially as if he hadn't thought of worse schemes before to try and get the upper hand in the war.

"my boy until you and Harry bond Harry is fair game so to speak. Lucius Malfoy has put in a request to court the boy."

The boy?! Harry hated how dumbledore spoke like he wasn't there

"That's impossible" said Sirius, snapping at the headmaster

"it's not my boy-"

"Harry is bonded. he has a mate, a soul mate" said Sirius. "I may hate snivellous, but he is the lesser of the two evils. Godric know what would happen if Lucius Malfoy got his hands on harry."

you have both been officially invited to the to the Malfoy ball in which Lucius will ask Harry for his hand in courtship under old pureblood laws. he has to agree unless he is bonded properly"

"we are bonded" severus snarled

"consummation of bond hasn't taken place yet as far as I'm aware. Dumbledore's eyes twinkled." Harry looked down. He had gone waxen, memories filtered through his head.

memories he'd rather forget vernon's hands grabbing him pulling him up his cupboard five years old beating him and beating him until all Harry could do was cry as his blood ran down his thighs and then ripping him open plunging into him. Dumbledore knew. That was the only explanation. Just what was he trying to do?

"I need some air" said Harry standing quickly and striding from the room before anyone could stop him.

Severus went to go after him but stopped as he felt the determination through the bond. Harry was planning something. He gave the barest of nods to sirius and strode from the room.

out in the grounds Harry ran out in search of his kit.

it was time to speak to Lucius Malfoy.

Emerald and Obsidian Snarry// badlightsideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora