an awkward conversation and a shattered heart

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^^ okay but you got to admit that picture is foni 


and that is how Severus found him an hour later.

after some successful lying, harry had managed to wave Hermione away and was currently sitting on the edge of the bed. he had managed to dispel his wings, not without a short scream, when the burst into flames before disappearing into his back.

Severus cleared his throat "you should keep your wings out. they are still developing and it will hurt them"

"then why are yours not out" harry hissed scathingly "and why the hell do you care?"

"because I'm not still developing. and I have no need for them. you rooms are ready Mr potter. they are in the dungeons. also, Dumbledore ..." Severus spat out the name like it had done him personal offense "has asked the castle to create a room for you in my private quarters for when you're in heat."

"so what's going to happen?" harry bit out painfully. "your going to fuck me when I need it and then ignore me for the rest of the time"

Severus shifted uncomfortably "I'll also supply a vial of blood everyday so you don't starve. you are still my student there are...rules"

"no there aren't. I do actually read and retain information and I know perfectly well the rules of the treaty. and for your information I wont be touching you or your blood with a ten foot bargepole"

Severus lost it "you will not be starving yourself to death!"

"NO I WON'T" harry was on his feet now, fighting the instinct to submit to Severus. to go down on his knees and bare his neck "YOU'LL BE STARVING ME TO DEATH. HOW ABOUT THAT SIR. ANOTHER DEATH TO ADD TO YOUR COLLECTION. PERHAPS YOUR MASTER WILL APPLAUD YOU FOR DOING HIS JOB FOR HIM"

"YOU DARE-" Severus started but harry cut him off, an odd smile on his face. 

"you should be happy though, shouldn't you? now you have the whole potter family dead. because of you." harry said, so calm. too calm, as if he was talking about the weather.

"I want to go to my room now sir."


and it was only when harry was alone in his new rooms with the door locked and warded, that he screamed. he didn't cry. not once. but he screamed until his throat was sore. and then he fell asleep. 


sorry for making it angs-ty! lol

fyi: Sirius told harry the full story just before the werewolf incident 3rd yr.

it will get better soon! i PROMISEEEEEEEEEEEE



424 words! :)

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