angst, a proposal, an' a littl' bit o' lemon

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HA BITCH YOU THOUGHT. sorry kids the proposal isn't scheduled for anytime soon.

love Kat


"harry you know that is not what i meant. if... when the dark lord manages to resurrect himself, as he undoubtedly will" Severus' arms tightened around harry considerably when he said that "I will need to retake up the position as spy, you being my mate I can explain off, I can tell him I am your main donor for now, but me dancing with you is not something I can do."

"but i thought he could read minds what's to stop him reading yours he'll, - he - he" harry couldn't breathe. he was gasping for breath but no air would enter his lungs. 

Severus attempted to make him drink, but he was weak. his vision greying at the edges.

then, Severus closed his eyes and harry smelt the best smell he had ever smelt. it was just Severus, but dark, hungry. a pang of arousal shot through him, but all he remembered was  bright, hot white pleasure before he blacked out.


he came too lying on Severus' bed. The dark haired man leaned over him, concern in his eyes as he made harry drink a sky blue potion that tasted like cheese for some inexplicable reason. coughed and happily accepted the glass of ice cold water Severus was now holding to his lips. 

the mans silky black hair was tickling over his face, and his hand immediately went up to brush the strands back from the man's face, tucking them behind his ear.

Severus coughed "do you remember what happened Mr potter?"

"harry" harry breathed, hands still sliding  reverently through the silky lack strands. he had learnt that Severus was using a special potion to keep his hair free of potion fumes, which had the silky tresses straight and oily, he had adamantly sent Severus to the library to find a better one, which happened to be a charm Hermione had been using on her own hair. now the strands were at Severus' mid back, once tied up, had escaped from the silver snake  clasp that harry had brought for him on his last trip to Hogsmeade. now the hair had a slight wave to it, a soft healthy sheen, so blue it was almost black.

harry was still stroking his hair, fingers running through it almost in reverence. Severus found it very difficult to concentrate on Harry's answer:

"i panicked then you and...i- ughhh" harry went red. he realised Severus must have cleaned the evidence of his scent-induced orgasm as he slept, which only made harry even more embarrassed.

"it's a perfectly normal reaction to smelling you mate's peraphomes for the first time. it was the only way to calm you down. and to answer you question-" Severus quickly carried on as the last remnants of panic flared up again on Harry's beautiful features. he wondered to himself when potter became harry, and speccy became beautiful. "I am a master legilimens. no one could enter my mind without my permission and they'd only see what I wanted them too. so we are fine" Severus cleared his throat "I know you must take a friend to open the ball with, but I thought me might take the opportunity of everyone's distraction to... perhaps go on a date? if you'll accompany me that is... forget it" Severus' face was drawn in badly veiled self-hated and anguish.

"no no Severus I would love too. I can disappear straight after the first dance"

Severus was about to smile, but then harry tugged his hair.

and he moaned.

and harry grinned. 

and tugged again.

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