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thought id add more context to this chap! im trying to make up for the lack of updates


love ya



Harry woke up next morning curled into Severus' side, still in his clothes from yesterday, save for his robes, which were draped on the back of the chair. He watched Severus sleep. the man looked so peaceful without the lines of worry etching themselves on his skin, Severus' silky hair had come down from his tie and fanned around his sleeping form, spreading out on the pillow. The older man was still fully dressed, his legs tangled together with Harry's own. Harry smiled sleepily, then moved his head to have a proper look around Severus' room. It was nice, the bed, a dark mahogany four poster, with carved ivy vines twirling round the bed posts. The sheets were green and silky under Harry's touch. There was a fireplace, and a wardrobe and a chest of drawers, and a bedside table. the rest of the wall space taken up by a glass cabinet full of potion bottles, and bookshelves. It was a nice space, and a far cry from the dank dungeon with a single coffin for sleeping in that he Ron, dean and Seamus had imagined on a night when the were very drunk from firewhiskey, that Seamus had sunk in.

Harry sighed happily, then snuggled further into Severus embrace.

"hmm" a deep throaty groan came from the chest he was lying on, and the strong arms holding him tightened. "what time is it?"

Harry reached blindly with his wand then cast a tempus.


Severus shot out of bed, just catching harry, who, in his haste Severus had forgotten had been residing on his own chest, and was subsequently dislodged.

Harry flushed as Severus caught him round the waist.

"shower for you" Severus said, after he had given harry a maddeningly breath-taking kiss.

"join me" harry asked coquettishly, blinking up at the older man cheekily.

Severus merely raised an eyebrow

Harry laughed "alright alright I'm off"

By the time harry and Severus had both washed, and dressed with a little help from dobby in getting some school robes from Harry's dorm for him it was 7:50. Harry gave Severus a peck on the cheek

"ill see you later"


harry dragged his feet as he made his way up to Dumbledore's office. the man in question had called him up 15 minutes before Sirius was set to arrive.

"acid pops" harry muttered dejectedly to the stone gargoyle

"be careful young friend" the gargoyle muttered, just about loud enough for harry to hear

he nodded his thanks as he stepped onto the revolving staircase.

you see, harry had never truly trusted Dumbledore, not fully, and whatever hope he had left in the man was broken when the headmaster slipped up in front of him 2 years ago, just after he had saved Ginny Weasley


"harry my boy, I must thank you for your bravery" Dumbledore's hand rested heavily on his shoulder

"I remember sending of your Hogwarts letter with my favourite owl two years ago" said Dumbledore's papery voice, clearly reminiscing, having not noticed harry had stiffened up in front of him "and seeing you come in, a small child, not yet so world weary. i am sorry for the burden

placed on your shoulders m'boy but you are courageous in your facing of destiny."

and harry remembered looking up at the arch high above the professors desk, the words as maius bonum set deep into stone.

ad maius bonum.

for the greater good.

Dumbledore had known about his cupboard. about the abuse

and he had done nothing about it. harry swallowed. ad maius bonum. for the greater good.

*flashback ends*

harry was looking up at that arch now, silently shutting down his mind and all his thoughts as he looked up at the letters, willing away any stray thought

"ah harry my boy!"

Dumbledore appeared out of no-where, putrid purple colored robes with tiny green stars spangled across them "lemon drop?"

lemon drops you lace with compulsions? fuck off you old coot

"no thanks headmaster." Harrys face set itself into a timid smile.

he felt the press against his mindshields, and he quickly brought forth thoughts about quidditch with Ron later and study with Hermione, allowing his shields to drop enough so as not to seem suspicious.

Dumbledore smiled, evidently placated

"and how are you and Severus?"

Dumbledore looked pointedly down at the bracelet clasped around Harrys wrist, and the necklace.

harry looked down quickly, a blush stealing across his cheeks. he knew that thoughts of Severus were not ones he wished Dumbledore to know, and would only open his mind longer to more.... careful inspection

"good headmaster. Severus and I ... are trying to get to know one another better"

he felt his wings itch to be free, but kept them in check.

"glad to hear it m'boy glad to hear it."

harry felt the compulsion drip of him, shivering slightly in skin crawling feel of the mans magic. he felt satisfaction in knowing the man had not done his homework. dark fae are notoriously difficult to manipulate

"I'm glad to hear it. glad to hear it. I understand that is not an ideal situation, but think of the fae magic that an be used if you two combine magical forces. that magic alone could win us everything." Dumbledore said cryptically, eyes twinkling behind half moon spectacles

ah. so there was the catch.

that was why Dumbledore had had no objections. all for the greater good.

"that is however if we can overcome this slight hitch in plans"

harry twitched when he heard the word plans, but before he could say anything, the wards chimed for the doors and the fireplace.

"ah now that would be Severus and Sirius"

Harrys heart sank.

that sentence alone called forth a sense of disaster.

let the fighting begin


WEE i managed to bash out a chapter. thank you guys for your patience!

see ya soon


594 words! :)

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