Chapter 10

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-Rachel pov-
"All three are doing absolutely perfectly!" The doctor pulls out three stuffed animals "We have teddy bears since you were here last"

"Thank you" I hand them to the girls who smile and start playing with them "Now..what about the big girls in the room?"

"Rude" Lucy sighs and looks at the doc "What do you the tests say?"

"Those aren't such good results" All of our faces drop "Santana like your mother you could have babies..Sadly the Judy Carmichael bloodline ends here"

"What?" Lucy sits forward looking confused "What are you saying? I have lived a healthy life! I should be able...I'm not Judy Carmichael"

"Oh?" He looks at the file and sighs "Sorry I have to make an appointment to get my glasses changed"

We all share a worried look "Wait" Lucy looks at him again "My mom isn't able to have another kid?"

"Apparently she had some damage during her last pregnancy" He frowns "You seemed to be close to not making it"

"B-but am I?" Santana and I grab her hands "Am I able to have at least one more baby?"

"According to our tests" He looks over my file and nods "Yes! But..looking at your mothers file I'm more worried about another issues she seems to have ignored"

"What do you mean?" Lucy shakes her head "Should I be hearing this?"

"Your mom hasn't been to a doctor since you were born" Lucy's eyes go wide "The surgery why had to put on file was not done in a doctors office and should be undone"

"Surgery?" He nods and I look at Lucy who also seems confused "What surgery?"

-Time skip-Judy pov-
I love being in a nice and relaxing bath. They make everything so much better. I really need to treat myself to these more. Of course, I'll have to focus on teaching when this upcoming school year comes.

"MOM!" I sit up confused hearing Lucy scream and soon the bathroom door is flung open "You had a random guy dad knew augment your breast?!"

"How did you know about that?" I think back to where she came from and shake my head "He has no right giving my info away"

"You are dying!" This brings the whole house to the room. For once I feel awkward being naked "Those implants weren't real and they've poisoned your body! Why didn't you tell anyone one burst?! You know why that's why they say you can't get pregnant?!"

"What?" Lucy's face goes from anger to I can only see her eyes "What did you say?"

"The bursting caused some poising in your blood" Rachel steps in slowly "They don't recommend you getting pregnant at least until you get them removed and the blood poisoning taken care of"

"Can we speak to Judy alone please?" Maribel puts a hand on Lucy's shoulder "Please?"

"Yeah" Lucy turns and walks to the door before stopping "I really hope you get it taken care of mom"

After that she's out of the room "What are you gonna do?" I don't respond "Jude?"

"What's the money count?" I look at Shelby who's looking at me confused "How much money do we have?"

"Well from stocks our moms told us to invest in we got some" Maribel shrugs "We should have a few hundred to thousand saved"

"We go now" I stand up from the tub "We go now and maybe I can have a chance at a baby"

"Judy your life matters a little more than hypothetical babies" Holly puts a hand on my shoulder "Let's get you figured out first ok?"

Love In New York (Sequel Forgive me, Help me, Be with me) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now