The Tesseract

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Me: they wanted the diary story-
My brain: no
Me: but-
My brain: no post this one instead

Look, I'm so sorry, I know you guys wanted the diary story and I'm working  on it but I just keep adding and adding.... BUT ITS GOOD OKAY, I PROMISE I'm just rewriting it all.....

But you lovely beings that never fail to make me smile with your comments deserve a story so I'm putting this up in hopes it's enough to keep you entertained while I finish writing the other one.

Enjoy <3

Thor and Tony watched as Thor's younger brother writhed in his restraints. His green eyes were glued to the glowing cube Tony held. It was kind of pathetic.

"Should we stop?" Stark gave the blonde god a confused glance. Thor shook his head.

"Loki, he has some attachment to the Tesseract. Its unhealthy." They both looked back at the God who was going absolutely bonkers in his chained position. "Obviously."

"How's holding it infront of him going to do anything?" Tony carelessly tossed the space cube to his other hand. Loki fell backwards in his chair, kicking and squirming like a mad man. His angry screams were muffled by the rag they put over his mouth but it was concerning that they could still hear him.

"I'm hoping he'll break and just tell me why he's so obsessed."

"And if he doesn't?"

"Im taking it far away from here, where no one can obtain it." Thor muttered under his breath and the billionaire nodded. Somehow, Loki heard his brother's plan.

If they thought he was going insane before, they couldn't describe what was happening now.

He kept lifting his fallen form enough to smash the back of the chair- and his hands- against the floor. Repeatedly. It was like watching a toddler throw a fit, but worse. Much, much worse.

"Loki!" Thor called out from the bars, where the ballistic god couldn't reach them. "Explain your connection with the Tesseract and nothing will happen!"

Though it sounded harmless and was very clear on his intentions, Loki had enough.

With one last slam into the ground, the chair broke. He rolled off the wooden debris and jumped over his chained hands so that they weren't behind him anymore. He bolted forward, growling and screaming for the Tesseract beneath his gag.

"Ew, god, this is getting gross." Tony shivered and began to back up, which- in hindsight- was a bad move.

Loki shrieked like a chimpanzee as Tony went back, taking his precious blue cube farther from him. He smashed his forehead against the iron bars.

And they broke.

"What in the horror film IS THIS?!" Tony panicked, backing up even farther. Thor ran forward, trying to shove his little brother back into his timeout cell. But whatever drug he was on made it look like Thor was a ragdoll as Loki threw him back.

He ran after Stark, never even showing a hint of slowing.

Tony had managed to get into the elevator before Loki could. He watched the God's furious face dissappear behind the metal doors that slammed shut.

"Oh thank God." He slumped against the wall with a heavy sigh.

"STARK!" The horrific shrill was followed by rapid pounding. The roof began to dent inwards, proving that the maniac was right above him.

The Iron man screamed, pressing himself against the doors as much as he could. They opened behind him and he fell backwards.

Wanda and Steve were just passing by when one Tony Stark tumbled backwards out of a beaten up elevator. The look of relief on his face was concerning the two.

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