Tiktok trend

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A/n: i don't even have the app anymore, why am I doing this??
Blah, its a really lazy story but here

You were mindlessly scrolling through social media, waiting for sandman to sprinkle some sleeping dust. You could really use it. The clock read 2:45 am as rain poured outside your balcony.

With a sigh, you set your phone down. You closed your eyes for a good 30 seconds before getting frustrated. Sleep was always a problem for you, well at night anyways.

The buzzing of your device caught your attention. You picked up your phone, reading the notification from Snapchat. Looks like your best friend sent you a message.

You clicked on the pop-up and read the text.

Bestie <3
R you awake?

Yeah duh

Bestie <3
Good, I have a dare for you
If you don't do it, then you're an A class chicken

Woah okay, hit me

Bestie <3
U sure??

I can handle anything, some stupid dare isn't going to stop me >:)

Bestie <3 is typing..

You waited for her response, itching to prove yourself. Y/n Y/L/n was no chicken, you were not going to back down.

Bestie <3
Tell Loki you like him

You choked on your own spit. You sat up, beginning to type furiously.

Bestie <3
Remember, u back out, ur a chicken 🐔

Damm, she hit a nerve. You deleted your paragraph with a huff.

How, exactly? I'm not going to just tell him, thats lame and stupid

Bestie <3
Ur stalling!!

Sometimes, having a best friend that could read you like a Chipotle menu was horrible.

Bestie <3
But... if u really wanna fun way...

Oh no..

Bestie <3
Do the 'Jenny' tiktok trend

I'm not using a tiktok trend on him! Plus he'd kno right away!!

Bestie <3
No he won't, he doesn't like it, remember?
Oh and take a video, I wanna see his reaction!

If you wanna be depressed and disappointed then ok

Bestie <3
Shut up, he'll probably be excited

Highly doubt it

Bestie <3
Omg, ur stalling again, just do it

You turned off your phone with a sigh. You weren't sure if you could do this.

Loki was a senior and you were just a junior. He had so many other options, so many other hot people. There was 0 way he would care.

In fact, you were pretty sure he had a girlfriend already. There wasn't much evidence given he's alone more than half the time but you just felt like it.

Bestie <3 is typing...

No, go away!

Bestie <3
Do it, chicken

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