The Man behind the Slaughter.

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(Nathan's P.O.V)

So it was him. The man behind the slaughter. He stood near the door, lounged over, leaning on it I suppose.

He did the iconic slow-clapping, as he said.

"Bravo. Well done, little one." He said.

"Purple man! We finally meet." I said.

"Oh no..." Said Zachary.

"Oh yes...Zachary Hanson. Soon, you will be alone forever." The man said.

I looked at Zachary, he took the form of the Puppet again.

"Zach!" I said.

"I'll be fine." Zach said,

"Yeah, you'll be fine, but not you, Nathan. You're coming with me." Said the Man.

He held out a knife, a dagger to be honest. He pushed me against the wall and pressed the knife on my neck.

"Anything to say, Nathan?"The Pruple man said, pushing the knife on my neck harder.

(Susana's P.O.V)

I felt a dark present nearby. Nathan is in trouble. I was gathered with the others, we were in the pizzeria. We all looked at each other. I think they knew what was going on.

"What are we gonna do?" Courtney said.

"The only thing to do, save Nathan and the rest of the gang." Tyler said.

"But how?" Oliva said.

"I know a way." I said to them,

"Like what?" Tyson said.

"You'll see soon enough." I said.

(Viola's P.O.V)

I was in the pizzeria with Marianna and Dylan. The animatronics were in place. But something was wrong. Something was wrong with--Nathan.

"How do you think Nathan is doing?" Marianna said.

"I don't really know." Dylan said.

I felt a savior is going to end all of this. Then they came. The spirits of the 5 missing children came. They needed our help. Almost if I could just sense it.

There they are, all five if them. Susana,Courtney, Oliva Tyler, and Tyson.

"Who are they?" Marianna said.

"The five missing children. They came for us. For Nathan." I said.

"Nathan need your help. Purple man is about to end Nathan." Susana said.

"What can we do to help?" Dylan said.

"Pick an animatronic. We're going in. Because stuff is about to go down." Tyson said.

(Nathan's P.O.V)

The Purple man pressed the knife on my neck. I couldn't breathe. This is it. I'm done for. I heard footsteps running towards the room.

"What the--?" The man said.

It was Viola. She had Bonnie with her, Then came Dylan with Chica and Marianna with Foxy. And came along the big man himself. Freddy.

Bonnie grabbed the Purple man and threw him to the other side of the room. I can finally breathe. Viola came to me, She gave me a hug.

"Nathan! Are you alright?" She said.

"Y-Yeah...Thanks Viola." I said.

"Bunch of morons...Damn these kids..." The Purple man said.

We all turned around.  The knife was on the floor. I quickly grabbed it and pointed it at him nervously.

"Heh. Your'e really an idiot." He said.

He quickly got up. He snatched the knife away from me. He pointed at me.

"You know? This was one of the reasons that I killed you guys."

I quickly aimed the knife at me. We were all frozen in fear. He took a shot at me. All was in slow motion. Someone got hit. Not me. Zachary pushed me out of the way, He got stabbed. But how? He was dead. The Purple man was alive. Zachary got stabbed in his chest. He then fell to the ground.

"Zachary, no!" Susana said.

Susana threw herself on the floor, She picked up Zachary.

"Zachary...You're chest!" Susana said.

Zachary looked at her with his eyes full of tears.

"Susana. I love you. And everything is going to be alright." Zachary said.

"No! No, no, no, no! Why you! It couldn't been me!" Susana said.

Susana stood up. She gave an evil glare to the Purple man.

"You should've had done that..." Susana said with a creepy voice.

She pulled off the knife, it was covered with blood.

"I'll kill you!" Susana said.

She rushed into The Purple man's chest. She stabbed it, over and over again. The Purple man didn't seem to budge.

"Stupid girl, I'm already dead..." Purple man said.

"What, no this can't be..." Susana said.

~End of Chapter~

Hi guys I hope youenjoyis part of my fanfiction just soyouknow I'm posting tomorrow and our little tale will end with our heroes. Wow, time flies huh? A new series will 've among you readers and yes, it's another FNAF Fanfiction. It will be followed up with another series. Well...Hope you like Dragon ball Z or something...

QOTD: How will our alternate ending will be like? Tell me how you want it to really end.

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