Saving the old gang

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We started getting dizzy again. All of us collapsed on the floor till all was black.

We woke up behind the stage with the curtains closed. I couldn't see anything, it was pitch black.

"N-Nathan!" Viola screamed.

"Viola! Where are you!?" I yelled back.

Then the blinding show lights came on. I saw Viola on the ground with her glasses on the floor.

"V-Viola..." I said.

She groaned while getting up from the floor. She quickly put back her glasses and gained back her stance.

"N-Nathan!" She said.

She came running towards me. Giving me a hug. Holding back tears, she said.

"Nathan, are we back again?"

I took another glimpse at me surroundings. It was the show stage. With the red velvet curtains and the lights above us.

"Yeah, guess so." I said.

Viola stopped hugging me. She looked around too. She had tears in here eyes and said.

"W-where are the others? Marinna and Dylan?"

(Dylan's P.O.V)

I woke up, with Marianna right beside me. Leaning her head on my shoulder. I quickly took another look at the surroundings. Funny how I never been to this part of the pizzeria. I quickly woke up Marianna by shaking her head.

With her emerald green eyes, she woke up.

"Ugh...what the heck happened?" She said.

"We passed out again. Now I have no idea where we are." I said.

"Dylan. Where are the others?" She said.

"I dunno. Maybe we got separated this time." I assumed.

We both got up, we were in a room filled with boxes. All labeled Fazbear Entertainments.

"What is this?" I said.

"I don't know, and I do not care. All I want is a way out of here." Marianna said. Rolling her eye.

"Don't be such a drama queen. Come on, let's move these boxes." I said.

"Okay, geez." She said.

The mountain of boxes, blocking our way. We didn't have much of a choice. I figured there was something behind there. I pulled the one from the middle. Nothing happened.

"Okay. It's your turn." I said.

She quickly pulled the bottom box in the middle.

"See? Nothing." She said.

"I wouldn't be too sure if it." I said.

"What do you mean by that?" She said, crossing her arms.

"Just pull another one and see." I said.

"Fine. Here goes nothing." She said. Pulling another box from the bottom.

We waited for a few seconds. And in that few seconds. The whole pile of boxes, fell down. And came a door that said.
Employees only!

"So we are in the storage room, I guess?" Marianna said.

"Yep. Sure looks like it." I said.

"Come on Dylan. Let's go." She said smiling.

I opened the door into a long hallway. Marianna by my side. It was dark. Then all the lights turned on. One by one. On the other side of the hallway. Another door. That says,
Spare parts and services.

Fnaf Fanfiction: The New Freddy Fazbear PizzariaWhere stories live. Discover now