Welcome to the Pizzaria!

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(Nathan's P.O.V)

I was in the car with mommy and dad. I just turned 10 years old and I'm going to the new and improved Freddy Fazbear Pizzaria! I hope it's a blast!

"Nathan darling, are you exited for Freddy Fazbear Pizza?" My mommy said.

"Yeah mom! I wanna explore the place!" I said.

"Yeah, we are going to have a great time." Dad said rubbing his forehead.

We pulled up at the parking lot far end of the Pizzaria and took our seatbelts off and got off the car. We all walked across the long parking lot and slid open the door. We walked inside only to be surprised by the number amount of children that were in there, and the new animatronics on the stage were awesome! Bonnie was more of a blue color and Chica looked like a actual girl! Foxy is now a girl but mangled up! I'll probably call her "The Mangle". And Freddy looks almost the same but with Rosy cheeks and a red stripe on his hat but overall the same.

"Sweetie, you can play here but don't stay too long, were having pizza." Mom said.

"Kay ma! Love you!" I said giving her a kiss on her cheek.

I went around the pizzeria, there was so much to do! But so little time! I saw a colorful ball-pit and many children playing around in it. So I took off my sneakers, placed them in the little cubby and took a splash into the ball-pit. Above me came a soft hand reaching into my collared red shirt. Grabbing me as I was drowning from sea or something. I saw a girl pulling me up from the ball-pit.

She had blue eyes with her midnight black hair, she had a purple shirt followed by a pair of blue jeans.

"I-I'm sorry! I thought you were sinking." She said.

"It's alright. Thanks anyways. Hey what's your name?" I asked.

"Oh my name? It's Viola. My granddaddy used to own this place." Viola said.

"Oh that's cool. I'm Nathan."

"You wanna be friends?" Viola said.

"Yeah! Let's be the best of friends!" I said.

As we both got out the ball pit Viola putted on of what seems to be glasses. They were round like the one Harry Potter wore.

"Nice glasses." I complimented her.

"Tee Hee, thanks." She responded.

We went into the stage area and saw the red velvet curtains closed and a bunch of cheering fans waiting for them.

"Seems so the show hasn't started yet." Viola said.

"So do we wait here?" I asked.

Then a pause came in. A very long pause. I kept on pulling back my dark brown hair, waiting for an answer.

"I've got it!" She said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I can show you around the restaurant!" She said.

"Sounds good to me!" I cheered.

With Viola leading the way we pasted the bathroom, the kids cove, where we saw Foxy. Then leaded to a dead end.

"Are we lost Viola?" I asked.

"Umm. Yeah probably." She said.

"Hey guys! Ya'need any help?" A voice said.

We turned around, only to see a blonde haired kid with blue eyes with a messy green shirt and some raggedy shorts.

"Hey! You guys lost?" He said.

"Um, yes. Can you help us back to the stage?"

"Yeah, happy to help a friend. Oh by the way, I'm Dylan."

"Oh, my name is Nathan and this is Viola." I said.

"Its great to meet y'all" Dylan said.

As Dylan lead us to the stage again. The show was just starting.

"Dylan Get over here now!" A girl voice said.

Then a red head with green eyes came with an medical eyepatch, she came with dress and stockings up to her knees.

"Oh, who's your friends?" She said.

"Oh, guys, this is Marianna my friend and this is Nathan and Viola."

"Hmmm. What a pleasure to have you." She said.

"Wanna hang out over the stage?" Marianna said.

"Sure, the show is going to start anyways." Viola said.

We all sat near the front row of the stage. Waiting for 1 minute. The stage curtains opened up slowly while the lights lit up.

The 3 animatronics stood in the middle of the stage, singing and playing.

"Hey all you fans! Welcome to the grand opening of the Freddy Fazbear New Pizzaria! Now we've got new improvements in here so try to "bear" with me! Get it, bear? Freddy Faz"bear"? Huh no one. Okay..." Freddy said.

"Okay. Let's get started!" Chica said.

"YES! FREDDY! CHICA! BONNIE!" The kids cheered.

"Yeah! Let's get this show on the road!" Dylan said.

But then, I felt super dizzy.

"D-don't you guys feel that?" Marianna said.

"Y-Yeah...I feel dizzy guys." Viola


"I think I'm gonna..." Dylan said.

I looked around, everyone was fine, but us. It felt like we were cast like a spell. Then we blacked out...

To be continued...

Hey guys! hope you like my 2nd book! I bought Fnaf 2 last night and already on night 3! It's soo cool! It's only 7.99 on steam! Try it out! Anyways I see you later! This is Jojo and stay awesome!

Jojo out!

Fnaf Fanfiction: The New Freddy Fazbear PizzariaWhere stories live. Discover now