The Grand Finale

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(Nathan's P.O.V)

"No...This can't be..." Susana said.

The Purple Guy...Is dead? But how? I don't even wanna know...He pushed Susana to the side, she blacked out.

"No! You monster!" Viola said.

"I don't mind you calling me that. It's true. I am truly a monster in thirst of blood." The purple man said.

I couldn't bear to see the Purple man killing everyone, first the children, probably my friends next...

"Let them go! Purple man! Take me on!" I said.

"Nathan! Are you insane?" Dylan said.

"This is already jacked up as it is, i'm not letting you guys go down." I said.

"Oh, the little boy is being brave all of a sudden! I love a plot twist! Trying to protect the damsel in distress! Let see who's victorious enough to end our little story..." The Purple man said.

This is going good for my plan. I gotta fool the bad to save more time for my friends to escape.

"You guys go! I'll deal with this dude." I said.

"But Nathan-"

"Just do as he says Viola!" Marianna said.

Marianna grabbed Viola's hand and the rest of the gang got out of the restaurant.

"Now it's just you and Me. En Guard!" He said.

He charged at me with his knife. I tried to dodged it. The knife slashed through my right shoulder. Blood came gushing out. I ignored it.

"Hope you're in for another plate of a** kicking!" The Purple man said

"You know, that last plate lost my appetite." I insulted.

"Ugh! How dare you insult my cooking skills!" He said.

He took another swing at me. This might be it for me...

(Viola's P.O.V)

"No! Let me go! Nathan is not safe in there!" I said.

Marianna and Dylan were holding me back. I didn't wanted for thing s to end like this.

"No! You're getting yourself killed!" Marianna said.

(Susana's P.O.V)

I felt bad for Viola. I felt the same way. I wanted to do something.

"Guys, we need to help." I said.

"But how?" Tyler said.

"Wow, such faith you have." Courtney said.

"Shut up, Blondie!" Tyson said.

"Well "shuts" don't go up, prices does!" Courtney said.

"Can all of you guys just listen? I have a plan." I said.

"What is it?" Oliva said.

"Lets do the thing." I said.

"What "thing" are you talking about?" Tyler said.

"Ugh, you know! The thing!" I said.

"Oh! That thing! Good idea!" Tyler said.

"Okay! Let's get started..."

(Nathan's P.O.V)

This might be it for me...

Then something hit me, and it wasn't the Purple guy. I felt something I haven't felt before.

It was rage...

Something that made me snap.

"Do dare touch me with that thing, and believe me, this will be the end of your fearsome facade." I said.

I left the Purple man stunned.

"Did you just threatened me? Oh how you will pay..." The Purple man said.

He then tried to stab me with his knife. I grabbed it before he even made a move.

"What the--Kid, are you insane?" The Purple man said.

I looked into the knife of my reflection. I had possessed eyes. Who was controlling me? And how can I still make movements of my control?

What is this man?

In this blood.

I am damned.

There's no second chance for people like me.

I rather be not seen.

It all make sense now.

It was Tyson. He was controlling me.

"Kid, I could just throw in the towel. I give up. I won't do this anymore." The Purple man.

"Lie!" I said.

"Oh you know me so well." The Purple man said.

I had the knife. I saw red. This is what he deserved for all the people he hurt, lied to, tricked, backstabbed. And killed.

"Nathan?" A voice said.

"Are you okay?" The voice continued.

It was Viola.

"V-Viola?" I said.

"Please. Hear me." Viola said.

"Y-yes Viola?" I said.

"Finish the man. End his ways. Do it for us. For the pizzeria." Viola said.

"I am is just that-"

"Nathan, look in your pocket. Remember the first time we met?" She said.

I felt something in my pocket. It was the Freddy Fazbear plushie from the prize counter we all had.

I remember, Viola from the ball-pit, Dylan when we were both lost. And Marianna from the show stage.

It's a clear now. My friends helped me, comforted me. And we all lived through it. We had some laughs, and some tears.

"We believe in you Nathan." Viola, Dylan and Marianna said.

"Yes, I know." I said.

I took the knife, and I pointed to the Purple man.

"Any last words?" I said.

"Yes I do."
"I'll be back." The Purple man said.

I finally stabbed him.

That was it. The battle was over. With the help of my friends. I killed the Purple man.

~End of Chapter~

Fnaf Fanfiction: The New Freddy Fazbear PizzariaWhere stories live. Discover now