Part 15: Romantic moments

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Hey there, creator here, as you see on too of the title is a picture of my profile picture, I changed my pfp now and sorry for interrupting but I juts wanna remind you that the story is about to end on around 20 - 25 chapters, I apologize if your enjoying the chapter too much also I made this chapter romantic anyways, let's start the chapter

After the practice...
George and Sapnap was having too much fun, they've been having dates so far and enjoying amazing things together like kissing while watching the sunset.
Sapnap planned to make a perfect date for George were he asked George to be his boyfriend, when he called George, he said "Hey Gogy, wanna have another date?" George replied with excitement "of course, I would love to, but where?" Sapnap answered George's question "meet me in front of the entrance of the mcc and we'll drive us to the place"...

When George finally got to the front entrance, he saw Sapnap was waiting there "let's go" Sapnap said, both if them got into Sapnap's car and drove on where they were suppose to have they're date, it was a beautiful restaurant and looks expensive but George loved it.
Sapnap opened the door and politely let George in, when they got they're seats, Sapnap holded George's hands like cute couples, they mostly do that until a waitress came and asked for the food, Sapnap answered "some Spaghetti please and some coke" "okay sir" the waitress answered while winking cause she knew that they were going to order that for a date cause she knew they were having a date because they were holding hands and laughing together...
After a few hours, the waitress served them they're dinner and George asked "why only one Spaghetti?" "Because this" Sapnap answered while showing George on what to do, Sapnap took a fork and got some Sphaggeti on it and then made shoved it into George's mouth, while George is was eating his food, Sapnap ate some of the Sphaggeti (you know we're this is going ) there was that one line of Sphaggeti and they were eating the same thing, George doesn't know but Sapnap does, until that one line got shorter and shorter, they're lips finally collided and Sapnap kissed George, George kissed him back until for a few minutes, they stopped, Sapnap hold George's hand and said "George, will you be my boyfriend" George had a big bright smile in his face and almost tearing up and said "yes, I will" with happiness, Sapnap kissed George's click many many times and kept saying I love you to him, when they finished they're food, they quickly got back to the mcc and ran to Dream.
Dream was surprised but still confused on what was happening until George told him everything, Dream was very happy that his friends are happy together, Dream is a loyal and caring boy but he still felt sad, he can't get the fact out that he was kinda getting left out until he remembered the handsome face of Technoblade, D am smiled very big and just on his way to go back to the team's room...

While Dream was about to go there, he noticed that Burren was a bit sus and going somewhere and had a box on his hands, Dream asked "Hey Burren, what's inside that box?" "It's full of decorations, wanna help me decorate the place of me and Michael's date, it's a surprise so shhhhhh" Burren said, Burren was suppose to surprise Michael with a romantic date where you are surrounded by a flower forest, it was a beautiful place, Dream was helping him design it, when they were finally done, Dream was preparing the food while Burren is going to go to where Michael is at and surprise him, when Burren found Michael, Burren scared Michael by screaming "Boo!!!" And then Michael screamed in fear, Burren sometimes do that cause Michael's scream is cute and the way he is so annoyed "I have a surprise for you" Burren said "what is it?" Michael asked while Burren answered "it's not a surprise any more if I tell you, I have to cover your eyes first before we go there" Burren took out a handcerchief and covered it to Michael's eyes, Burren was leading Michael to the place were they supposed to have a date and when they got there, Burren took off the blind fold and said "Tada!!!" Michael was so shocked from the beauty of the place and had a big smile, Michael hugged Burren very tight and said "was this suppose to be our date!" With excitement and Burren just nodded and let him sit on the chair while Michael sat on the chair and looking around, Dream just came out of nowhere and served them they're food, Michael was amazed on how good the smell was the food and it liked good "Dream you cooked this!?" Michael asked Dream while Dream just nodded and served the delicious Ramen and adorable Strawberry cake with hearts designed on it like valentines themed.
Dream just sat to a chair with a far distance to them, watching them in how romantics they're date is.
Michael and Burren was enjoying the food and when they finished it, Burren stood up and kneeled down to face Michael and hold his hands "Michael, we've been friends for so long, I wanna be more than friends" Burren said "Best friends!!!" Michael said while Burren had a disappointed look on his face "okay okay" Michael said jokingly "will you be my boyfriend's" Burren asked "eeeehhh!!! Yes I would love to!!!" Michael answered very happy, Michael and Burren hugged each other very tight and kissed as the sun went down.
Dream was happy that his friends are now engaged also his team mates which he made friends with also,
Dream was kinda feeling sad that he felt lonely after George admitted that he had a crush on him but fell in love to Sapnap now.

Dream just left the two there feeling very sad and looking down until he bumped into someone "oh I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking" Dream quickly apologized until he saw the person he bumped to was Techno, "why are you sad again, is it because you feel left out and lonely?" Techno asked while Dream just nodded,he started to gain trust to Techno now but then Techno grabbed his hand and ran over to the spot were they found months ago were Dream was suppose to enjoy the moment alone but he saw Techno.
When they got there, Dream just stared at the beautiful sunset and the pretty mountains that had so many flowers in them now, they were both watching the sunset together and Dream laid his head on Techno's shoulder, when it turned night time, there were now fireflies, the fireflies were scattered around that place and Dream was chasing and paying around them while Techno just watched and had a big smile from his cuteness, when Dream got a little tired, Dream sat beside Techno while Techno hold his hands and said "Dream, all of these moments we made, all of the amazing moments, the laughter, the chatting, we were having so much fun, I just want to say that, Dream, i-i" Techno was very nervous to admit but Dream continued the sentence "you love me" Techno was shocked and said "h-how did you knew" Dream answered "I heard that you said that your in love of me to the moment when we were sleeping together, I heard what you whispered, I just pretended I didn't" Techno said "oh you slimy, sneaky boy" He was chasing Dream and Dream was just laughing and running, when they both got tired, they bother sat together and enjoyed the moment, they were watching the fireflies fly everywhere and then the fireflies flew to form a big heart, Techno and Dream blushed and Techno asked Dream "I wanna be more than friends Dream, w-will you be my b-boydriend Dream?" Techno said with a slight of nervousness while Dream screamed "of course I will, I would love to!!!" Dream hugged Techno and kissed his cheek over and over while Techno hugged back and kissed Dream's lips, they were enjoying the moments together until they noticed that it was very late now, it is now like 10:44 they got back to they're team's room and when they got back, Sapnap, George, Burren and Michael was on the cafeteria having chats about they're dates "so, what took you guys so long" Sapnap asked "we just had a long date and got engaged now, hehe" Techno said scratching the back of his neck, they were all shocked that they used to have huge rivals on each other but they got engaged, they joined the chat and said things about they're wholesome moments together, when they got back, Dream noticed that he finally had his bed back but Techno touched his shoulder and said "do you still wanna sleep in my bed?" Dream nodded and they all said they're good nights to each other and went to sleep, they enjoyed the moments together...

-------------------The next day-------------------
Dream told some of his friends that he got engaged with Techno and his friends was so shocked they told other people, it became world wide and now the news reporters asked them questioned about it and how the date went, they got into the news but Dream kinda blushed, Techno hugged him and Dream smiled.
They did warm ups before the practice started, they did the usual things they usually do.

Let's see what happens in the next chapter now.


Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I made this chapter very wholesome and romantics for the players, I hope you enjoyed it and I apologize if I didn't upload a chapter yesterday, I was very busy and didn't had enough time,anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, good bye, have a nice day

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