Part 26: Back to the game

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2 uploads in one day!???
Anyways I've had some free time right now and I have nothing to do so I decided to continue this story lol

Sooooo enjoy!!!!

Techno's POV
The game will be starting at 9:30 in the morning, it's kinda sad that Dream isn't playing but it's better for his health.

I went out of the bathroom, I was finished showering.
I went downstairs to help Dream with some chores, I gave him a pat on his back and he hugged me very tight.

"Good luck on your game" he said making a very big smile on his face.
I hugged him back and thanked him, I took the vroom and sweeper the floors while Dream was cleaning the dishes.
There's still a few hours before the game starts so why not help Dream.

When me and Dream were done with some of the chores, Dream went to his bedroom to start showering too.
I walked to makebky way infront of Drista's bedroom to see if she's alright.
I knocked on her door and I heard footsteps, she opened the door and said
"Hm? What do you want?" She asked.
"I just came in to check on you, so how's your day?"
I asked

"Ehh my day was okay, I may he stressed but I got the hold of it"
She replied, I just nodded and walked away.
I went upstairs to go to Dream's room and when I went in, he was all prepared.

I looked at the clock and it said 8:45
It was almost time but I decided to go there at the portal and do some warm ups
"Hm I think I should go now"
I told dream
"Aw, well bai bai now love! Good luck and take care!"
He replied, I nodded and gave him a hug.

I went downstairs and went to the frontdoor.
I opened the door and went out, I went to the garage to get my car so the traveling would be much faster.
I went in my car and drove it out of the garage, I made my way to the portal.

The ride didn't take really long, it was only a 16 minute ride.
When I finally made it there, I went in the portal and got teleported to the lounge.
Not alot of people were here but I saw Phil, I ran to him and pat him on his back.

"Oh hey Techno" he said
"Ayye Phil wassup?" I replied
"Ehh I'm good, what about you? How's dream?"
"Me and dream are good"
I replied
"Why is Dream not participating in the game?" He asked
"Well he told me that he has ptsd"
"Ohh okay"

Me and Phil sat to one of the benches and had some small talks, I even did some warmups.
I stretched my arms up above my head while Phil did some exercises.
Not too long, the countdown already started for the game to start.

We all got teleported to the voting room, we all had chicken eggs to throw and let the chicken land on what game we voted.

The first game was Parkour Run, this was the game were I always win.
Not trying to flex but I'm just very good at minecraft parkour hEhE.
Not for too long, I was already in the lead. It kinda feels off about me being the first.
Well it's because Dream is not here so that's why but I already miss him though.

I shook my head to focus on the game first, I kept failing to some courses but somehow I was still on the lead.
Not for too long, I finally made it to the end.
I was the first, I waited for the others to finish and when they were done.

We got teleported back to the voting room, just like always. We have to vote on what game we'll be playing.
Just like the routine in this game, you get teleported to the voting room and vote for the game you wanna play.
The game that has most votes will be the game you'll be playing and you have to be the first in most of them.

When the season end, you get to see who's the winner and you get to stand on the stage.
You even get crowns out of it, the things we do here were like a daily routine but I'll say it was pretty fun playing.


It was lunch break, all of us were at the lounge currently eating lunch.
Me, Phil, Wilbur and Tommy are all together.
We were all sitting and chilling together while eating our lunch, Dream prepared lunch for me and I really love his cooking.
His cooking is always delicious, me and my friends were having small chats together.

It really was fun being with them, when lunch break was over.
The countdown started and we all got prepared, the game started and we got teleported to the voting room like we'd do.

(I apologize for the time skips, I'm bad at writing and I mostly did not plan about the chapters at all. I just wrote whatever is in my head but I hope you'll still enjoy this.
I promise on season 2 I'll make it better for your entertainment TwT)

||Time skip to were the game ends||

The game has ended, I can see that the sky is turning dark now.
I decided to go visit Dream and check on him if he's alright, I went to the portal to teleport me out of the place.
I went to my car and drove my way to Dream's house.

When I finally made it there, I parked my car in front of his house then opened the front door and went in.
I saw Dream and his family were already at the dining table, the dinner was already set.

Dream ran to me and gave me a big right hug, of course I have to hug him back
"So how was your game? Are you good?"
He asked
"The game was kinda exhausting but it was fine and don't worry I'm all good"
I replied, he smiled and gave me kissies.

He took my hand and dragged me to the kitchen, I sat to one of the chairs there and at started eating dinner.
"I'm glad your alright hun"
I heard Dream's mom say.
I looked at her and she had a very big smile on her face, Dream's family is living such a good life together.

They're mostly happy and they always have each other's back, I wish my family was like this
(I wish so to techno)
But one day I'll introduce my family to Dream and his family.
We continued eating our breakfast, when we were done.

I helped Dream by wiping the table, Dream was cleaning the dishes like he always does.
When we were done, we went to his bedroom.
I flopped on his bed
"You must be really exhausted, legs get some sleep now shall we?"
He said, I nodded and he laid down beside me.

He cuddles me on to my side and I just stared at the ceiling, not too long my eyelids started feeling heavy and I slowly drifted off to sleep.
Tomorrow will be another day.


Hey readers!! I hope you enjoyed this story!!
I apologize if this was kinda off short and not very good but I really do sure hope you enjoyed it.

Stay tuned for the next chapter cause spoiler alert, Dream will be meeting Techno's family :3
Anyways goodbye now, I need to sleep. I haven't slept for 2 days so oof
Please don't copy me and not sleep for days, you need sleep so SLEEP.

Anyways goodnight buns!! Love y'all and take care!!
Have a wonderful day now!!

~1347 words~

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