Part 28: Too far, too close

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Good morning/afternoon/evening my dear readers!! I am back after taking a rest!
I caught a cold so I was pretty much sick but don't worry, I'm alright now!!

And I've heard news about Technoblade, I really love and appreciate that man. I do hope he'll have a smooth recovery so say it with me
Technoblade never dies!!!

Sorry that I kept you all waiting and I also added a youtube video on top for you to listen, I was listening to that while writing this story lol welp anyways enjoy reading this chapter!!

Dream's POV
I was playing with Technoblade's little brother in the garden, I saw that his little sister was playing a tea party all alone so I decided to join her too.

Well since it's hard to play with two games, I decided to play hide n' seek with them, they both agreed to it.
So I then covered my eyes with my hands and started counting from 1-10

No one's POV
The two children started running and hide from Dream, Techno's lil brother hid behind the bushes near the garden while Techno's lil sister ran quite far away.

When dream was finished counting, he opened his eyes and started walking around to look for them.
He looked around the garden, he wandered around for a bit. Looking behind the trees and the bushes, he apparently got distracted by the flowers.

He stayed a bit around the flowers and smelled their scent, the flowers were very colorful and beautiful. They even smell nice, not too long he eventually remembered about the children
(Wow dream, I can't believe you forgot about them ;-;)

Not too long, only a few minutes. He already found Techno's lil brother, he looked upset that he was found first.
Dream just giggled so now they have to find Techno's lil sister.

They decided to look for it together, they looked around the garden. They looked behind the bushes and the trees but it seems like they noticed that she wasn't near by the garden.
Dream then started panicking a bit, he told Techno's lil brother to stay at the garden and wait till he's back.

Dream went to the forest behind the garden, he ran and wandered around. Hoping that he won't get lost but wishing that Techno's lil sister is safe.
He still wondered around for a bit but eventually he made it to the end of the small forest, he saw a cliff there and there were pretty old fences fencing around it.

He quickly ran there and took a look, he shouted and called out her name but there was no response. He shouted her name again and he heard some shouting and sobbing, he looked around and went to the edge of the cliff.

He saw Techno's lil sister was holding on a rock so she won't fall, tears kept falling from her eyes like a waterfall.
She looked so scared, she was trying her best to keep on holding.
Techno's lil sister was slowly slipping and letting it go, Dream quickly took her hand before she fell.

Dream helped her get up and carried her, she was finally safe on land.
(I'll call his lil sis Diana now since writing "Techno's lil sister" is tiring oof ;-; but idk what's Techno's lil brother's name so I guess I'll still call him lil brother. Please tell me what's his name TwT)

Diana hugged Dream very tight while Dream hugged her back, he kept patting his back "don't worry your safe now"
He said, she still kept crying.
Dream carried her on his back and walked back home.

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