Part 21: What a day!

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Hey guys, it's me again. I missed my readers, I apologise if it took me a while to upload new chapters. I’ve been busy with quizzes this week, and was running out of ideas. As you can see I’ve finally gotten one! I hope you guys enjoy this and consider dropping a vote to support my book!

Before we begin I would like you guys to meet Lynno__ they’re now my editor for my stories! You can call them Liam or Lynn! I decided to change the characters, but don’t worry the character stories are just the same! Enjoy the chapter!

Drista's POV:

I woke up to a seemingly weird room, it wasn't as bad because it was at least a bit comfortable. As I observed my surroundings I spotted a door leading to a balcony, I stood up from the comfortable bed and walked out onto the balcony. The sight was absolutely beautiful, there was a Mountain behind a river, while there were trees scattered around. It was so beautiful that I stood there for a while, admiring nature. I was interrupted from my gaze as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to face a taller figure. It was Dream. He was wearing clothes that you would see assassins wear in movies… [Editor here, breaking the fourth wall!] ..He looks kind of deadly, but i knew this was still my sweet brother as soon as he started talking.

“Good morning, Drista! I made pancakes because i know you love them, don’t want them to be gone before you get there, now do you?” Dream said.

        I smiled brightly at his request. Afterall he was correct, I absolutely love pancakes! Dream led me to the kitchen, it looked like your usual cosy medieval kitchen. I spotted my pancakes on the table and raced a ghost to the table. I heard Deam chuckle at my actions then walk over to his seat.

“So, why are you wearing that?” I asked as I made a gesture towards his clothes.

“Oh, well I’m going to be hunting for food, I wore this because it looked good on me.. It’s also easier to hunt.” He replied.

“Well, you look deadly.” I stated quickly after, followed by Dream chuckling softly.

It was quiet while we continued eating breakfast, but that was eventually interrupted by a knock on our door.

“I’ll get it.” Dream said, getting up.

When he opened the door I saw a very tall man, it looked like he and

Dream were wearing similar clothing, He looked more deadly tho..After a few moments the man pulled Dreams hair, I ran in an attempt to stop him, but i was too late as the man had already stabbed Dream in the stomach. I stood there, almost paralized with fear and grief from the events that just played out. That didn’t last long as the attacker looked away from Dream and now was looking at me, I took notice of this and quickly turned around in an attempt to flee...But i was to slow, the man grabbed my hair as i squirmed around in attempt to get free...But i was too late. The man had grabbed my hair and the last thing I saw was a sword enter my stomach.






        I woke up with a gasp, as I jolted up. I looked around frantically and caught sight of my clock which has the symbols ‘3:42AM’ blinking in a dark red. I realized it was just a nightmare but I was still slightly shaking. I steadied my breathing then ran out my door to go check if my brother was ok. Luckily as I opened the door I saw a peaceful Dream sleeping in the arms of Techno. I let out a shaky sigh of relief and quietly closed the door, walking back to my room. I struggled to go to sleep, but that only lasted a bit as my eyelids grew heavy and i was off to sleep.

{Time skip to a few hours later}

        As i woke up, I slowly rose into a sitting position and I looked over at my clock, the clock now said “7:30AM’ on it this time. I stood up while slipping on my slippers and walked down the stairs, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I was met with the sight of Dream and Techno sitting around the table, an extra plate of pancakes were in front of an empty chair. I smiled brightly at the thought of pancakes, until my nightmare replayed in my head which quickly turned my smile into a frown. ‘Was this another nightmare?’ I thought while looking at Dream.

“What's wrong?” Dream asked, noticing my frown.

“Well, uhm. I had a nightmare.” I started as i sat down in front of the plate of pancakes.

        Techno raised an eyebrow and Dream looked a bit worried, I explained everything that had happened in my nightmare.

“Oh, Ok.” Techno said.

“Well, let's forget about that. Instead lets get prepared so we can visit mother, shall we?”
Dream said.

        I could tell he was just as worried as I was. After we ate breakfast I went to my wardrobe to pick out some clothes and walked to the bathroom to take a shower. After I showered and got dressed I went outside to meet the other two, Me and Dream looked like identical twins with our dirty blonde hair, green hoodies, and white masks with a black smiley face imprinted into them. While Techno, Techno just looked like some kind of king.. We walked to Techno’s car so he could drive us to the hospital. When we got there we exited the car and entered the hospital, asking the nurse at the front desk for our mothers room number. Once we arrived at her door I ran in and hugged her tightly.

                         {Another time skip, but a few minutes later}

My family, Techno and I were having so much fun, my dad had arrived about 5 minutes ago. The room somehow turned into a battlefield as everyone was throwing pillows at each other while my parents watched us. My mom was smiling at the way her children were having so much fun. We ended up staying in the hospital room for dinner while having random conversations. But soon it was time to go, we all said our goodbye’s and I kissed both of my parents cheeks before running to catch up with the other two. Once we got home Techno decided to stay the night again, I could see their close connection, almost like they were soulmates. They were having so much fun and they seemed like an adorable couple. I went to my bedroom andTechno went to go lay with Dream again. I closed my door and hopped in bed, quietly hoping no nightmares would occur..


And there ya go, sorry if its a bit short to you guys. Hope you enjoyed :D Cya now, have a nice day and take care!

-Editor's note: That was a threat, have a nice day or i'll be tracking you down and taking you to breakfast..!

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