Part 22: Chillin' with friends

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Hello lovelies, Cindy here. I apologize for the delay, I was having trouble with my mental break and took a break from writing, which resulted in me taking longer to edit this then I intended. With that out of the way, Enjoy your well deserved chapter!

Sapnap's POV:
Sapnap woke up at his unbelievably comfortable bed, It was so soft that he didn't even want to get up.he was so lucky that his dad gave him the luxury of this bed. he was just chilling there for a few minutes, but that was interrupted by a nice cold breeze from his balcony danced around his room, he stood up and went out onto the balcony, he was admiring the beautiful view of sunrise at his balcony, he vibed there for about 2 hours. He looked down from the beautiful scenery, wanting to text George.

Sapnap: hey Gogy, how have you been

        I'm good, how about you? :George

Sapnap:I'm also doing good, I'm just here chilling at my balcony, enjoying the beautiful sunrise

  well that's nice babe, have fun there :George

Sapnap: thanks Gogy, I think we should visit Dream and his mom at 9

                                                Sure :George

okay, come pick me up at 8:30 :George

Sapnap: okay

Sapnap left his balcony, walking out of his bedroom to go downstairs and eat breakfast. He was home alone since his little sister was at school at the moment. He took out a box of cereal and some milk from the fridge,Then he grabbed a bowl and spoon. He poured the cereal and then the milk, he looked at the clock while eating his cereal and it was saying 7:48 am. He was enjoying eating his cereal, after he ate his breakfast, he took the used dishes to the sink to wash it. After that he went to his bedroom and grabbed some clothes out of his wardrobe, he then went to the bathroom and showered. Once he finished with his shower, he put on the clothes he had previously selected. He was wearing a white hoodie with some black jeans and his original white bandana. Once finished he went outside and hopped in his car to pick up George and Dream to visit Dream's mother.

{A few minutes of driving later}

Once Sapnap reached George's house, he put the car in park and waited there until he saw George open the front door of his house and walk out. He opened the door of Sapnap's car and hopped in.

"Let's go get Dream" George spoke.

Sapnap simply nodded and drove to Dream's house, George called Dream and told him that they will be driving Techno and Dream to the hospital.

{A few painful minutes of driving later}

Sapnap stopped in front of Dream's house, where they saw Dream and Techno waiting on the porch. they both hopped in and drove to the hospital. Sapnap parked his car when they finally arrived there they went into the hospital. They all walked to the lady's hospital room after signing in at the front desk. Dream's father welcomed them when they got there, they saw that Dream's mother was peacefully sleeping as they walked in. Each person found and sat in a chair.

"So how is mom?" Dream asked his father.

"Don't worry, she's doing alright" his father replied with a smile.

Everyone's worry shimmered down as they heard the man say that Dream's mother was ok. They were having fun conversations as usual, they were laughing and Dream was wheezing until Dream's mother woke up. Dream ran and hugged her, his mother chuckled and hugged him back. They continued the fun conversations, within one of these conversations Sapnap decided that they should visit this beautiful place called "Velas de Queso''. Sapnap said so many amazing features about it along with showing them a picture, it sounded amazing. Dream's parents smiled brightly at the beautiful picture but sadly they can't go with them yet cause Dream's father has to stay with his mother. Dream asked his mom if he's allowed to in which his mother nodded. He smiled brightly at the positive reply. Soon after him and his friends stood up and waved goodbye to Dream's parents while Dream kissed their cheeks. Once they exited the large building, they all loaded into Sapnaps car driving to each other's houses so they could pack they're stuff and get ready to go to Velas de Queso. They hopped in to Sapnap's car and they finally drove to their destination.

{A few hours of driving later}

Dream had fallen asleep, causing him to lean on Techno which resulted in Techno snuggling into the blonde boy. It was becoming dark now and after for a few hours of driving again they finally arrived. Techno woke Dream up and they all hopped out of the car. They worked together to place chairs in perfect places for enjoying the cold breeze and beautiful scenery, along with the fireflies dancing in the dark. For Techno, this brang memories from one of his dates with Dream. While the scene was beautiful, Sapnap, George, And Dream were being chased by Techno in a game of Tag. They set up a campsite near their chairs, since it was getting a bit too late to drive back home. After having fun setting up their small campsite, Sapnap lit up a campfire so they could roast some marshmallows, They all ate marshmallows while telling spooky stories.

"It's pretty odd that Dream and Techno used to hate each other because they really want to achieve their goal of being the best Minecraft player" George said

"Yeah, what made you guys change your mind and get engaged?" Sapnap asked

"Well, Techno decided we could still carry on our goals without hating eachother. So techno made it up to me." Dream replied

They continued their chatter, until it was late and time to go to sleep. With that al of them parted ways, going into their assigned tents.


Thank you for reading this chapter, I hope you liked it. Leave a vote if you want. I made the chapter long since a lot of my chapters were very short. bye now, have a nice day :D...

*1040 words*

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