Part 23: Backstory

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Hello hello hello! Readers! I'm back! Okay so I decided to make a chapter that is not edited by my editor to see how much I had improved my skills for a bit.

Yeah I read alot of fanfics lol.
Okay so I tried my best making this chapter very long since y'all have been waiting more than a month for it and I apologize for that.
I hope you enjoy this and have a wonderful day/night!


Sapnap's POV:
I was the first one to wake up, It was very early. I struggled sleeping last night that's why I had less sleep.
Gosh I'm so sleepy right now.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes from the exhaustion. I looked behind me and I saw George was peacefully asleep 'how can he sleep so peacefuly-!?'
I said to myself.

I went out of the tent to get some fresh air, I was watching the sunrise. It was pretty peaceful and quiet until a heard a noise. I looked to where the noise was coming from and saw that George was aslo awake.

"Your up so early?" George said with his tired voice "omg george your tired voice is so cute" I mumbled "what'd you say-?" George said while rubbing his eyes from the sleep.
"Uhh nothing" I said.

George sat next to me and we watch the sunrise together. George leaned on to me and he was laying his head on my shoulder.
I wrapped my hand around him. I felt the cold breeze go by, it was a bit cold.

As the sun was finally up, I felt something on my shoulder. I looked behind me and I saw Technoblade.
"Wanna wake Dream up?" He asked "HELL YEAH!!!" I said.
"Uhh I'll just stay here" "COME ON GEORGE! IT'LL BE FUN!" I said clinging on him.

We all went to Dream, Techno gave me a pillow so we could start hitting him with it. When I was about to hit him, he suddenly covered the attack with his arm "I'm already awake, I just can't get up" he said.

"WELL THEN GET UP BLOB!!!" I said "Techno help me!" Techno took his two legs and pulled him, George was just laughing so hard about it.
Dream finally sat up "ALRIGHT I'M UP I'M UP!" Techno poked him on the face "wake up" "I'm already awake Techno"

Techno hugged him while Dream hugged him back, we all went out of the tent "Hey George wanna go fishing?" I asked George "sure! That could be our breakfast!"
I threw him a fishing rod but he didn't caught it in time 'haha slowpoke' I giggled.

We both went to the dock and started fishing. We both casted our rod.

Techno's POV
As me and Dream went out of the tent, we saw George and Sapnap at the dock fishing 'I guess that'll be our breakfast heh?'
I looked behind me and I saw Dream stretching while yawning. He must be pretty tired. I looked up to the sky and felt the cold air pass by.

It was kind off silent but it got interrupted by Dream tackling me with a big hug "Dream get off, you might fall" "Then carry me on yo back!" He said acting like a child, I sighed.

Dream got off me and took my hand, we ran to Sapnap and George "we can chill here, there's a seat though" he said. He sat down to a bench and pat the space next time him.

I sat next to him. He leaned on to me and lay his head on my shoulder.
"George look at this big fish I caught!" Sapnap said, lifting his rod to show the fish. The fish kept moving and it was wet "Sapnap don't put it close to me! It's making me wet!" Sapnap was laughing.

Rival to Mate "Dreamnoblade"जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें