Wet Dreamz: Part 11

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You ever had sex before? - Kayla

I looked down at the note for a little then chuckled. Inside I knew I never had actual sex before , but why would I ever tell her that? She'd probably look at me like I was crazy. The way I be talking to girls and shit everyone probably think I've fucked half the girls in this school. Im a virgin though and it hurts to say because I'm in the 12th grade. That's kind of childish to me.

Of course I had sex before , I'm a pro baby. - Jermaine

Oh you a pro? Well I want you to show me. My mom gone for the weekend , and Saturday you can show me how much of a pro you are. - Kayla

I turned around to look at her making sure she was serious. She sent me a wink before the bell rang , she grabbed her books then walked out the class like it was nothing. It's Thursday now , ain't even give a nigga enough days to go make sure he knows what he's doing. I sat there for a minute trying to gather my thoughts, I looked down to see my dick slightly rose through my cargo pants. I sat there and pushed them into my boxers , making sure it was down enough to stand up. I knew I should've worn though type of boxers Eric said I should. Cause shit I can get hard off bout any little thought.

When I finally left class , I spotted Darcy leaning up against the locker. One thing I could always say is Darcy was sexy as hell. She was one of those girls you wanted but knew if you had her she'd be obsessed and never leave you alone. So I friend zoned her, we have been friends since pre k , just like Chance. We all met there and then we met Cory in fourth grade. Shits been real since then , we've been squad.

"Baby girl." I grabbed her hand but she yanked away from my grip swiftly looking up at me. "I said I was sorry Darc. What more do you want ?"

"Nothing. I want nothing with you. Its been a month since any of us really hung out , and it's because of that girl. Chance has a girlfriend and still makes time for the squad. Even Cory, but you brushing us off for a girl you not even dating yet."

"Nah it's just you cause Cory and Chance don't care. You're just mad that I'm actually giving a girl besides you my time." She laughed in my face when I said that.

"It's not just her man." I turned to see Cory and Chance walking up with some other guy. "She has a boyfriend now , we all just wanted to hang you know? You've been pushing all of us away to be with the broad." Cory informed me.

"Y'all occupied in relationships too though." I told them.

"Nah that's the difference between us three and you. One , we are actually in relationships and two, the people in our relationship knows we have at least one or two days out the week to hang with squad. It's been this way since we were kids. We used to spend the night at each other's houses on weekends man. Don't try to use the relationship card." Chance added.

"I don't have to deal with this." I turned to walk away.

"Yeah you don't. Have fun with your girl , hope she was worth losing three life long friends over." Cory said as I walked down the hallway. Shit was like a bullet to the chest but I wasn't going to show them that. I'll let it rock , we'll be friends again next week.


Before I got home I had got home I stopped by the store to grab some Lifestyle and magnums. I don't know which ones is going to fit me so I decided I'd try both. When I got home no one was there, I went into the bathroom yanking my pants down and opening up one pack of each. I rolled the lifestyle on and it was kind of tight, it ended up breaking. I raised my eyebrows at that then pulled it off tossing it into the toilet. I rolled on the magnum and it stretched a bit but it fit I guess. I rolled that one off too tossing it into the toilet then flushing it. I stuffed the other magnums into the pocket of my book bag I'm always in then threw the other ones on the inside. 

I left the bathroom going back into my bedroom dropping my book bag before leaving out the room again. I walked to the kitchen to see a note on the fridge from my mother. It read, I'll be home later, Aaliyah is bringing McDonalds. Love You. I stuck it back onto the fridge and dropped down on top of the counter pulling my phone out. I scrolled down my facebook to see a picture of Kayla, she was so damn gorgeous. She was thick and chocolate, always having a nigga feel some type of way. The house door opened, I looked up to see Aaliyah walking in with the twins seeing them holding food. 

"Hey Jay." Kato said dropping the drinks down onto the table then Kari coming in dropping some of the food right next to the drinks. 

"Sup twins. How was your day at school?" I asked as they both climbed into the chairs. Kari face changed a little when I asked the question. 

"Well today..." Kari started but Aaliyah jumped in. 

"They jumped some little boy at recess then after school. Apparently, the boy hit Kato in the face, so they both beat his ass and now the little boy is in the hospital. Now they're suspended until further notice and on the verge of being expelled." My eyes widened and I glanced over at them both as they both looked away from me. 

"What the hell were you two thinking? Mommy is going to hurt y'all when she finds out, you better be happy Aaliyah's on your contact list because y'all would've gotten beat at the school." 

"He hit Kato! He wasn't suppose to hit Kato!" Kari spat angrily causing me to raise my eyebrows at him. "I told him to stop bullying my brother and today he hit him so I hit him. Ain't my fault Kato jumped in, but we did what we had to do. Self defense. Let them suspend me or even expell. I'll do it again if someone come for my brother again."

"See this why I ain't ask him why he did it." Aaliyah gave us all our food then she sat down and starting eating her own food. I was so thrown off but I didn't say anything else, just let it be.

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