The Disappeared part 2

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The Captain leads Carmen, JarJar, and Windu to the underground tunnels and JarJar looks around nervously before he says "Um, uh, are yousa sure disa the right way?"

The Captain nods and says "Yes, but ahead there is only darkness, and evil." Mace nods and says "Then yes, JarJar, this is the correct path." JarJar sighs and says "Okay. Mmm..."

The Captain then hands Carmen and Mace there lightsabers and says "Here's your weapon Master Jedi and padawan.
Let us hope you do not have to use it."

They nod and clip there lightsabers to there belts.

The Captain says "The Frangawl ruled Bardotta with an iron hand for most of its early history. They were warriors.
Some would call them barbarians, but in fact they were men and women of spirit."

They soon walk into the caves and Carmen walks with JarJar while Mace walks with the Captain. JarJar dodges a spider web and says "Mesa no likin' this place, no way."

He then sees a piece of fabric on the ground and says "Look! A piece of the Queenie Julia's headdress!" Carmen and JarJar then see 2 weird looking men with masks and Carmen was about to activate her lightsaber when the 2 men threw dust on them.

1 of them men tackle Carmen to the ground and throw her lightsaber out of her reach. Jar Jar gasps and says "Oh, no! Weesa disappearin'! Weesa disappearin'!Masterin Mace! Help!"

Carmen and Jar Jar then get dragged away and get pulled through the tunnels, after a while of struggling she surrenders and she soon gets shoved into what feels like a cage. Soon the invisibility wears off and Carmen gasps at what she sees.

She sees that she and JarJar were suspended in the air by cages and that a bunch of the Dagoyan masters were in the other cages.

JarJar then get pushed into another cave and the invisibility also wears off. He says "Thanks goodness. Mesa can see mesa self again."

He then notices the Dagoyan council members and says "Whosa yousa, sir?" The council member says "I am Joseph.
Dagoyan Master of the Royal Council. The others you see with me also have been disappeared and brought here.

Jar Jar starts pulling at the bars and Joseph says "You'll never free yourself. We are doomed to be sacrificed to Malmourral." Jar Jar shakes his head and says "This is bombad trouble."

Carmen then hears JarJar's comm go on and hears Windu say "Jar Jar! Where are you and Carmen? Jar Jar!"
He gasps and says "Oh! Masterin Mace! Masterin Mace! Weesa found the disappearen Daba-boy-boy-ogans."

Mace says "I'll follow your signal. Wherever you are, don't move! Is Carmen with you?" JarJar says "Sheesa in the cage next to Mesa and Datsa no problem. Weesa not goin' nowheres."

Carmen and JarJar's cages then start moving and JarJar says "Uh-oh. Weesa movin'! Weesa movin'!" Mace says "I told you not to do that, Jar Jar!"

Jar Jay shouts "It's not mesa fault!" Jar Jar then drops the comm-link and one of the men in the masks notices it before he destroys it.

JarJar then starts shouting "Masterin Mace! Masterin Mace!" Of the men then slaps JarJar and says "Quiet!" He looks down sadly and that's when they both notice the queen.

JarJar shouts "Julia!" She groans in pain and says "Jar Jar!" He starts trying to pull himself free fork the clan members and says "Weesa here to rescue yousa!"

The queen sighs and says "They are stealing the Force. They are stealing the Force within us."

They then see one of the clan members preform some ritual on one of the Dagoyan masters, they then see his soul get sucked into some crystal ball before his body slides down a ramp and into the lava.

JarJar starts shouting "Let mesa go! Let mesa go!" They then force JarJar and Carmen against the ramp and Carmen says "let us go! I'm not a Gungan and he isn't force sensitive."

They point the spears at them and says "The Force resides within all living things. However much you have will be ours." They then hear Mace shout "Jar Jar! Padawan!" Before he leaps over to them, takes come of the clan members out before he hands Carmen her lightsaber and she free's herself and JarJar.

JarJar grabs one of there spears and says "Stay back. Mesa bombad warrior."

Carmen laughs before focusing back to the fight, she flips over one of the clan members before she stabs one of them. She then looks back at Mace and JarJar to see them fighting against some more clan members .

JarJar then falls down onto the ramp and Mace quickly stops him with the force, one of the clan members rushes at Mace so Windu let's JarJar go to push him away.

Carmen catches him but she wasn't as strong with the force as Windu so she had some trouble, after Windu pushed the last clan member into the lava, he helps Carmen and lefts JarJar safely to the side.

JarJar stands up and says "Mesa need to save the Queenie!" Mace nods and says "Go!" Before more clan members showed up. JarJar and Carmen run after the Queen, that was being dragged away from the leader.

They see the man drag her into a ship outside of the save before it takes off, Carmen sighs and Windu runs out, she looks down sadly and says "we should report to the Dagoyan masters about our findings."

He nods and leads JarJar and Carmen out of the cave. They head back into the cave and free the rest of the Dagoyan masters before leading them back to the castle.

When they get back they then tell the masters about what happened. Joseph says "The demonic cult of Malmourral is active once again. If they steal the essence of the Queen, darkness will fall across the stars."

JarJar steps forward and says "Mesa no bombad warrior, but mesa swearen to find yousa Queenie with the help of mesa bombad pallo Masterin Mace and Padawa Li."

The masters cheer and JarJar puts a hand around Mace and Carmen, Mace sighs and says "Jar Jar, maybe it's this place,
but you're starting to make sense to me!"

JarJar and Carmen smile at him before walking to there ship to go and find the queen.

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