Episode One: Getting Enrolled

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Drake City has never been this peaceful since the battle of battles between good and evil. Zarya never really did anything with her werewolf powers ever since. Every now and again, she would be in her room, listening to orc bash and going on the Internet.

One night, she did her thing when she came across a school's website. "Hey, Choko, check this out," she said. Choko lept from his bed gracefully onto Zarya's shoulder and chirped. "Do you think I should enroll here," Zarya asked, "it would help me do something on nights like tonight." Choko could only chirp a questionable chirp, as a way of asking why. "I mean, nothing really happened after we fought Hades, not to mention Necrafa… again," Zarya replied, "and it's not like the others need me like this… I'm going to enroll!" Choko then chirped in response while pointing at the tablet screen. The enrollment date was tonight! "Be a good foz for me, bud," Zarya whispered, with Choko giving a satisfactory chirp before climbing back into bed.

Meanwhile, being as sneaky as she can, Zarya snuck out all the way to the palace balcony. There, still standing high and mighty amongst the other griffins, was Archer. Zarya unclipped the harness on the griffin's saddle and said, "Come on, Archer. I'll tell you where to go." The two then flew off into the night, with not even a single guard catching them in the act.

It took them a while, but Zarya and Archer made it to their destination; Wildwood Highschool. "Here we are, Archer," said Zarya eagerly, "as soon as I jump off, fly back home immediately. Okay?" Archer replied with a soft screech before recieving a warm nuzzle from his rider. Zarya then lept from the saddle and descended quickly down to the athletics track(Archer's que to leave). It wasn't very long till she landed on the greenery into a somersault back on her feet. She was walking and gawking at the view of the school, taking no consideration of her surrounding environment, when suddenly she bumped into another male and fell on her butt. The male noticed this and offered to give her a hand. "Hey," he said, "need a hand?" Zarya looked up and saw the kind man offering his brown leather-clad hand and took it willingly as she got up. Their hands never let go, but the conversation went on smoothly as Zarya then said, "Thanks." "You must be new here as well," said he, "I think I recognize you from somewhere." "Of course you also heard of my regal legacy too," she replied, "I'm Zarya." "I'm Keaton, nice to meet ya," he said. "Next," called the clerk by the entrance. "Well, that's me," said Keaton, "see you at the tour?" "See you at the tour, Keaton," Zarya replied. The two hands let go of each other as Keaton went to administration to get enrolled, and something told Zarya that this soon to be well-kept secret will be an adventure of a lifetime.

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During the tour, everyone got into groups of 16, accompanied by a member of staff. As soon as the mid-tour lunch began in the lunch room, Zarya was looking for a place to sit. Luckily, she found Keaton nearby, but also found the angelic warrior Pit on the opposite side of the table. "Pit, what are you doing here," she asked as she sat down. "Look's like the secret's out now," Pit replied, "Lady Palutena sent me over here after I had a little, uh, accident… heheh." Zarya rolled her eyes and smiled before eating. "Hopefully we grow as the year goes on," said Keaton, "I mean, who might refuse being in a pack?"

As the night went on, so did the tour. Wildwood High was very big, if you ask me. As soon as it ended, the entire school dispersed and went their seperate ways. Zarya, Keaton and Pit had just walked out of the school's entrance, chatting about what to do for the remainder of the night. "So what are we gonna do now," Keaton asked. "How about we head down to the Undercity," suggested Pit. "Why not, it has been a while," Zarya replied, "but, uh, there is something that happens when I'm there… and like this." "It doesn't matter, I want a tour of that place," said Keaton eagerly, "Pit and I will make sure nothing happens to you and vice versa." Having heard the tone of his voice, Zarya shrugged off her worries and said, "To the Undercity, boys!"

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The Undercity was as vibrant and bustling as ever when the 3 arrived. "Here we are," Zarya sighed. "Woah, so cool," Keaton whispered, his tail wagging non-stop. "Me and Piper grew up in these mean streets," said Zarya as the trio started walking. As they were walking these mean streets, some of the citizens either stared, ran or hid in fear. "See what I mean? That's what I'm talking about," Zarya sighed sadly, "these people don't get werewolves at all." "Don't worry about them, they're just ignorant," Pit replied, "but something smells super delicious and I have to try it." The three sniffed the air, and the same nostalgic food came back to Zarya as she exclaimed, "Snorg balls," and ran off to the Snorg Shack.

The three, led by the rebel princess, ran a short distance to the Snorg Shack, as well as Scnectacus, the owner of this tiny establishment. "Three please, Scnectacus," Zarya asked. Scnectacus replied in his native tongue before handing his customer the order. After having it distributed amongst themselves, the three tucked in their delicious food. "In all honesty, this is really tasty," said Keaton, "I can see why you love it so much, Z… I mean…." Zarya giggled and said, "It's okay, Keaton. You can call me Z anytime." "Hey, Keaton, bet you can't eat snorg balls raw," Pit taunted. "Where are you going with this, Pit," Zarya groaned. "Oh, I see," Keaton replied, "if that's the case, then… Scnectacus, hit me with an order of snorg balls. Raw!" Scnectacus asked the wolfskin in his native tongue if he was sure that he should be doing this, with Keaton replying with, "You bet your tail I'm sure." Scnectacus went ahead and fired three balls from his snout before Keaton caught them in his mouth and swallowed them. "In three, two, one," Pit whispered. "What are you counting down for, Pit," asked Keaton. "Nice," said Zarya. "Not like I'm fishing for praise," Keaton replied, "but…" "Say that to your tail, dude," Zarya giggled, "it's going mad!" "My tail is not wagging, thank you very much," Keaton retaliated, to which the three of them laughed.

This friendly vibe was cut short by the faint sound of obnoxious laughter that could be heard in the distance. That could only mean one thing; Mathis is nearby. He was busy hovering around on his mage board, causing trouble like the flat character he always is. He approached the three wolves with his 'panache' and said, "What up, egghead." "Ugh, Mathis," Zarya groaned. "Egghead," Pit and Keaton asked in unison. "Oh man, you two were missing out," Mathis laughed, "I used to throw eggs on her head. It was hilarious!" "That's not very nice," Pit scolded, "plus, she's a princess and a Mysticon. She deserves much more respect than that." "Listen, kid, just because she's a princess and a Mysticon doesn't mean that I'll treat her any better," said Mathis, "she'll still remain an egghead. Forever." Zarya growled, her ears hanging real far back and her fangs ready to pierce his skull in two. "Aww, is the little pup gonna bite my butt off," Mathis taunted.  "Alright, that's it," Keaton growled. He then gave Pit a slight nod before the both of them turned into giant wolf like beasts. Zarya took one look at the two before looking back at the now frightened Mathis and said, "I suggest you start running." Mathis obeyed, running away from the three and screaming, "I be back, egghead!" "We'll be waiting, you loser," Zarya called loudly. She then looked back at Keaton and Pit, who had transformed back, and said, "That was so cool. How'd you do it?" "That little accident of mine gave me the ability to transform," Pit replied. "As for me, I used my beaststone to transform," Keaton replied as well. "Uh oh, looks like we have to go," said Pit worryingly, "the Sun's about to rise any minute." "And my roommates are gonna freak if they find out I'm not inside," Keaton added just as worried as Pit, "luckily, I live right across the street from the west side of the palace." "What in the realm are we waiting for," Zarya exclaimed.

With that, the three took off. They made it out of the Undercity...

past Magi Mall...

past the silent neighbourhood...

all the way to the west side of the palace. "Well, this is me," Keaton sighed, "see you guys at school tomorrow night." "See ya, bud," Zarya replied. She and Pit then witnessed the first dozen rays of sunlight decorate the sky as they transformed back to their normal selves. "Do you wanna come in," Zarya asked. "Sure," Pit replied, "but what are we gonna say to everyone? Lady Palutena is the only person who knows about this." "We'll just say we bumped into each other in the Undercity," said Zarya, finishing off the statement with a wink.

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