Episode Seven: Tactics and Power

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The class were at Ms. Severa's classroom for their first lesson; weaponry defense. The classroom was set out like a giant dining hall, with the students sitting side by side with utensils used in restaurants in front of them. "Okay, class, listen up," said Ms. Severa, "this is your first weaponry defense class, so you have to pay attention in every single lesson as it will provide you with the necessary tools for survival in the real world." "Yes, Ms. Severa," the class said in unison. "Now, you're probably wondering why you're sitting at a dining table, right," Ms. Severa continued, "this lesson is regarding utensils. Imagine if a couple of humans invited you over for dinner one night. You accept their proposal without realizing that they are werewolf hunters. The utensils right in front of you are the sort of utensils they would force you to use. Does anyone know why they spread them out for you?" "It's because the utensils are made out of silver," Pit replied, "and silver can cause our skin to burn." "That's right, Pit," said ms. Severa wisely, "however, that isn't the case with some, for example a wolfskin." Everyone then looked at Keaton, to which the wolfskin asked, "How come I'm so special?" "Despite the fact that you are part wolf, silver has no nasty effects on you as it does to werewolves," ms. Severa replied, "go on. Try it." Keaton shrugged in response to the request, then took off his right glove and took a silver spoon from his part of the table. Everyone then clapped at such a demonstration that Keaton gave a halfhearted smile, ignoring his wagging tail. "There may be something one can do in such a situation," Ms. Severa continued, "one example could be wearing gloves… I'm not saying that because Keaton wears gloves, but that is one way way of protecting yourself." "One way," Zarya asked, "is there another way of protection without looking suspicious?" "Good question, Zarya," Ms. Severa replied, "class, if you know how to cast an element protection spell on yourself, do that before commencing dinner." Pit and Zarya suddenly yelped in pain. Dominic and Elise had gently placed their hands on the silverware, and now their hands are burning.

"What the heck was that for," Pit growled. "What," Dominic scolded, "we didn't do anything. Blame yourselves for that." "Don't do anything dumb," said Keaton bluntly, "I saw you two moving their hands. Don't lie to me." "I saw them too," Betsy added, "amongst 3 other witnesses." "I've heard enough," said Ms. Severa, "Dominic and Elise, I will see you during break for detention." Zarya and Pit sighed in relief and knowing that justice has been served as they watched their wounds fade away. "Now then, if we could continue," said Ms. Severa, "as previously illustrated, if a werewolf touches anything silver, their skin will burn. That is what werewolf hunters use to kill us, so you have to be vigilant if you want to survive." The bell then rung in the distance, which meant the lesson was now over. "Okay, I'll see you for defenses class next time," said Ms. Severa. With that, the class left for the next lesson.

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The next class was shapeshifting class that was taking place in the hall. Everyone had taken their seats in front of the stage and Mr. Da Vinci was on the stage itself. "Okay, class, this is your first shapeshifting lesson," he said, "now, you may think this is meaningless, but you'll actually learn more and more about your different abilities, as well as to control them properly. Let us begin; there are at least 3 known types of transformations, namely inherited, enchanted and artifact shapeshifting. Can anyone please come up and demonstrate inherited shapeshifting?"

"Gladly," Betsy replied. She then took to the stage in a very dignified manner and said, "Most werewolves gain their shapeshifting abilities the minute they are cursed." Everyone then watched as Betsy took the form of a regular wolf and applauded her. "That's how you do it," said Da Vinci eagerly, "but we still have enchanted and artifact shapeshifting to go. Can anyone else please come up to the stage?"

That "anyone else" was Pit. The little accident he had gave him enchanted shapeshifting. He took to the stage and said before his classmates, "Some werewolves gain their shapeshifting abilities through enchantment, like in my case." Everyone then witnessed Pit transforming into the same beast he turned into in the Undercity the other night and applauded him the same manner as Betsy. "Very well done, Pit. Thank you," said Mr. Da Vinci, "now, for artifact shapeshifting, it's more specific than what you're thinking of, so for this I will need 2 students to demonstrate at least 2 types of artifact shapeshifting."

Something just popped into Zarya's mind when she heard all that the teacher said; she still had her necklace from when she saved Hyrule from Ganondorf and Tazma. She snapped back into reality when she saw Keaton already on the stage and joined him. "As a wolfskin, I can transform using a beaststone," said Keaton while showing the class his beaststone. "While for some of us, like me, this ability to transform is stored inside something as universal as a necklace," said Zarya. With that, the two wolves transformed into their respective forms right before their classmates' eyes, with the class giving a round of applause to the two. "Class, these four demonstrators proved the possible transformations werewolves can possess," said Mr. Da Vinci, "now go on and relax for the rest of the night. Class dismissed." Everyone dismissed the hall, joining up with friends and discussing plans for the following night. Zarya, Pit, Keaton and Betsy joined up and talked for a while. "So, how's that for a show and tell," said Betsy sassily. "Not any different to teaching the centurions back home," Pit sighed, "but was it teaching?" "We'll never know," sighed Keaton, "but what'cha wanna do, guys?" "How about the Hill of Heroes," Zarya suggested, "besides, I'd do anything if it makes me relax a bit more. Never doing another show and tell again."

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