Episode Six: People Are Getting... uh...

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As the month went by, the Mysticons have been learning how to control their newfound abilities at a new level.

One late afternoon, there has been a training session going on between the Angel Land fighters and the Mysticons. Arkayna had been constantly shooting fireballs at Palutena at her normal rate, but alas the goddess of light kept on warping all over the place. The Sublime Dragon Mage had no choice but to tap into her special attack. Her staff went into its rotating reticle form and a huge fireball was shot from it. Palutena went ahead and put up her shield, therefore reflecting it towards and narrowly hitting Em. Arkayna took the opportunity to fire another fireball and strike Palutena down.

Piper was facing off against Em and Viridi on her own. When it came to strength and tactics, Em and Viridi were the best, but agility was more of Piper's thing. Em constantly charged towards the elf with sword slashes, but Piper dodged every single one of them. She then threw a hoop at the dwarven knight that trapped her immediately. Viridi took the opportunity to encase Piper in a crystal sphere. "Hah, is that all you've got," Piper taunted. She then threw another hoop that not only shattered the sphere, but trapped Viridi in its range as well.

Zarya was facing off against Pit and Dark Pit on her own. Both angels split their arrows into two swords and charged towards the Ranger. The Mysticon had no choice but to jump over to the other side of the area. Both angels swiftly shot their arrows at her, which were of course striking their target. Zarya was at the point of kneeling, but she wouldn't surrender. "Looks like we're the last men standing," Dark Pit smirked. "Surprise, chumps," Zarya whisper-taunted. She fired a lightning bolt arrow to electrocute Pit and Dark Pit in her current position. Getting up afterwards, she then said, "You could have done better, you two. Are you okay?" "We'll be fine, Z," Pit groaned, "don't worry about us."

"That's enough training for today," said Malvaron, "how about we grab something to eat." "About that…," Pit replied, "Zarya and I have to go do something… somewhere… else. It's no big deal." "What's the deal, Pit Stain," Dark Pit asked, "you two always have to go somewhere every month. Come on, out with it!" "Pit will tell you all that you need to know when he wants to, Pittoo," Palutena retaliated, "no need to force him. You two go on ahead." "Thanks, Lady Palutena," Pit and Zarya said in unison before leaving the stronghold. "You've got to be joking," Dark Pit scolded, "you're seriously gonna let them go?!" "Hey, don't question a goddess's decision," said Viridi, "if Palutena wants to let them go, she can. No questions necessary!" "Thanks, Viridi," Palutena sighed. "Uh, sorry to interrupt," said Em nervously, "but Pittoo ran off just now." "WHAT," Palutena and Viridi exclaimed in unison. Em was right; Dark Pit had escaped. He seemed really desperate for answers.

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Meanwhile on the balcony, Zarya and Pit were watching the sunset. "You know, if you really think about it, we're gonna be early for school," said Zarya, "how do people survive being early for anything? I have no idea." "Well, one thing's for sure, we'll definitely learn new things," Pit replied, "I think being early is just part of the learning experience." "Aha! I got you two now," Dark Pit exclaimed in the distance. He made it all the way to the balcony while the sun was at it's final rays. "Wow, for a doppelganger, you sure are nosy," Zarya joked. "No more excuses this time," Dark Pit scolded, "cough it up!" "Alright, you got us. I'll confess…," Pit sighed, "Pittoo will be your nickname forever. Now!" With that, Pit and Zarya hopped on Archer and the three of them flew off to Wildwood. "It's not over," Dark Pit mumbled.

"Phew, that was close," Pit sighed. "Yeah, too close," said Zarya, "you know what would happen if he were to find out about us?! Let's just hope it's the last time he does something like that to anyone." "It's such a shame that Pittoo is so obnoxious," Pit joked, "if he had a secret he had to hide from everyone else, he'd also act secretive in front of us too." The same route taken just a few nights ago was taken tonight as the sun finally set and the Moon began to rise. Almost towards the end of the journey, Archer landed to get some rest. "What's up, boy," Zarya asked sympathetically. Archer screeched tiredly (given the amount of griffin training throughout the month), but his rider knew exactly what's up. "It's okay, we're almost at the school," said Pit, "we can walk the rest of the way after we transform."

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A few minutes later, the two arrived on the school grounds. As usual, most of the other students were there, but where was Keaton? "Looks like being early paid off after all," Zarya joked. "Shut up," Pit groaned, "besides, it gives us the perfect opportunity to make some new friends." Zarya could only roll her eyes and smile as she and Pit continued.
Everything seemed to be fine when the both of them tripped over a suspicious tripwire all of a sudden. There was suddenly laughing that could be heard in the distance. Zarya and Pit got up and removed whatever bits of grass and dirt that was on them. Right on cue, Leo and his two friends, Dominic and Elise, showed up and laughed at Zarya and Pit. "What up, losers," Leo snickered. "We have no time for this," Pit sighed, "are you forgetting that you did this to the alpha?! She will mess you up real bad." "Pit," Zarya mumbled under her breath. "Ooh, we're so scared," Elise mocked before laughing even louder. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," someone said from behind the three troublemakers. She was quite close to Malvaron's height, long, braided brunette fur, topaz eyes behind a pair of spectacles and a passion for achievement. Leo turned around and faced who was confronting him. "Betsy," he mumbled. "Let's not make a scene here, Leo," the student named Betsy scolded, "just step away from the alpha before I have to do something I might regret." As expected, the three bad wolves walked away from Zarya and Pit. "Woah, thanks," Pit sighed. "Anything for those associated with, as well as the alpha," Betsy replied, "besides, Leo actually fears my inventions, so using it shows him who's the boss." "Oh, now I remember: you and Em tied for first in that Inventor's Convention," said Zarya eagerly, "that machine of yours is very cool." "You said that already, princess," Betsy laughed, "and I thanked you for the compliment. Anywho, see you during class."

(Did anyone else notice the Summer Camp Island reference? I did!)

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