Episode Eleven: How to Confess without Looking Guilty (Part One)

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The whole class rushed back to Mr. Da Vinci's class to report. Most of the students were clueless on the situation, so Zarya, Keaton, Pit and Betsy had to explain on the way. Inside his classroom, Mr. Da Vinci was staring out the window overlooking the scene of Rivonia's crime, when the students burst through the door with the news. "Mr. Da Vinci! Sir, we need to talk to you," said Zarya worryingly. "No need to tell me, ms. Zarya," said Mr. Da Vinci in a somber tone, "I already witnessed what happened… and I definitely am fearing for the worst." "We have to report this to the principal," Betsy said almost immediately, "we have the witnesses. We have the evidence. We've even got first hand experience with this stranger! That should be enough, right?" "I wish I could believe your theory," Da Vinci sighed, "but the principal is, how can I put this, a tough nut to crack. After a little 'incident' with his father and another woman, he vowed never to let another person lie to him again. You all need a miracle if you want him to believe you."

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The next morning at the Palace, everybody else was waking up to a very sleepy Arkayna in the study. "She's so adorable when she sleeps," Malvaron joked. "Be grateful that Byleth's given us the day off," said Viridi, "you four would have been in so much trouble if he didn't. Speaking of which, when is—." "When am I gonna come back," Zarya asked in the distance. She, Pit and Keaton came back into the stronghold, smelling fresher than ever since last night(which is a huge shock for any Keaton fans). "What did Arkayna do this time," asked Pit, "sleep fight till exhaustion?" "No, Pit," Palutena laughed, "however, she did stay up until 4 in the morning working on fashion sketches." "Wow, who knew my sister was a fashion designer," said Zarya as she was holding a piece of paper in her hand, "even I can't say no to something this good." It was at this moment when Arkayna woke up. She emerged from the blanket covering her from behind and at least a dozen sketches out of many drawn last night. "Morning, sis," Zarya greeted, "how'd you sleep last night?" "Not good," Arkayna yawned, popping her back, "I was up all night —." "We know," Dark Pit sighed, "we can see it all over you." "Including the one stuck onto your face," Pit added, pointing to a sketch stuck on Arkayna's forehead. He peeled it off her face before giving her a quick peck on the lips.

"The good news is that we're free for the day," said Em, "so you can show us what you've been working on." "You're right! Today is perfect," Arkayna replied, "hand me a fatigue reduction potion. It's Fashion Hour, girls!"

"Are you sure the camera's rolling, Pit," Viridi asked. "It is, Viridi. Don't freak out over nothing," Pit sighed. "Ladies and gentlemen," said Palutena in an announcer's voice, "I am proud to present to you a Goodfey original, Nature's Beauty!" Arkayna emerged from a makeshift stage curtain wearing something completely different from her original outfit. "And here comes the collection creator herself," said Viridi, "wearing an outfit inspired by actual troubadours." "One of only two outfits a model can wear," Arkayna added, "behold!" The princess then snapped her fingers and her outfit changed to more of a battle attire. "Wow, that is really beautiful," Palutena gasped, "but tell me, is it fireproof?" Arkayna then brought her hands together as she summoned a ball of fire and brought it to her chest. "Does this answer your question," she then sassily asked.

"Next up on the runway is our very own Zarya Moonwolf Goodfey," said Viridi, "looking pretty fierce in that dark look." Out stepped Zarya, wearing an outfit that could very well be inspired by Dark Pit, but it more fuses her own colours with the colours of the raven angel. "Need a hand there, sis," Arkayna asked from the distance. "Duh, of course," Zarya replied. Arkayna then snapped her fingers and Zarya's outfit changed to an outfit inspired by an adventurer(bringing my love of Fire Emblem here). "Looking cool, Z," said Arkayna again from the distance. "Thanks, princess," Zarya replied. It was at that moment when Dark Pit kidnapped the rebel princess from the runway.

"Okay, what was that all about," Zarya asked. "First of all, you look very beautiful," Dark Pit replied, "also... I can't put this clearly, so I'll blurt it out instead. You're the coolest girl I've ever met. I... I have feelings for you, you know, those super mushy lovey dovey feelings." The angel then presented a box to his soon-to-be and said, "Princess Zarya Moonwolf Goodfey, will you make me the happiest dark winged angel and—."

It was at this moment when the ground started shaking violently, pushing people and objects this way and that. It went for a while though, and as soon as everything stopped, the weird started; lying amongst tons of broken objects were Dark Pit and Zarya. Dark Pit was lying flat on his back and Zarya was lying on top of him. The both of them opened their eyes and slightly shifted away from each other as soon as sight was fully recovered. "Pittoo, did you just blush," Zarya joked. "Well, the only reason I'm blushing is because you're calling me that," Pittoo growled, "or maybe you're just seeing things." "Speaking of seeing, you two should see what happened outside," Viridi chimed in. Everyone was laying witness to the damage done outside the palace; cars were flipped onto their heads as buildings and roads were skewered with ice glaciers. "Woah, what a mess," Piper gasped. "Lets check it out," said Arkayna, "Keaton, you wanna come with? You seem like a great ally. What do you say?" "Join your group? I guess I can save your city," Keaton replied, "if you think I can help, I very well won't turn you down." "Aww, your tail is wagging," Em cooed, "that's so cute." "My tail is NOT wagging, got it," Keaton retaliated. "It's Magic Hour, everyone," said Arkayna enthusiastically. With that, she and Palutena warped the large group to the streets.

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