Episode Five: Class Alpha

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This takes place between the second and third parts of the story.

Two swift silhouettes danced their way through the shadows under the shrill, bright light of the full moon. It took them a while, but after making it past all the indigenous flora and fauna inhabiting the forest, the shadow dance came to a halt. Out came Zarya and Pit, bathed in a golden light and dressed in school-esque attire. "This is it, Pit, the first day of werewolf highschool," said Zarya, "how are you feeling?" "Excited and nervous at the same time," Pit replied, "let's do this!"

Inside the school grounds were a ton of other werewolf  students. Zarya and Pit felt a certain unease when they first came in, but the unease soon shifted into ease as soon as they found Keaton leaning against a wall of one of the classroom complexes. "Keaton, over here," Pit called. He and Zarya then rushed over to the wolfskin and the three friends embraced in the warmth of their reunion. "It's so good to see you again," said Zarya eagerly. "Yeah, its been too long," Keaton replied, not even trying to hide the fact that his tail was wagging like crazy. "Hopefully this year is gonna be awesome," said Pit eagerly, "I can't wait for shapeshifting class." "Well, it's a good thing that I'll be here with you, Pit," Keaton replied.

There was suddenly a sound all across the school. This had alerted all of the students to go to the quad. At the front were 4 adult werewolves; the principal, vice principal and 2 HODs. "Students, may I have your attention, please," the principal called out, "I hereby welcome you to a new year at Wildwood Highschool. If you are newcomers, I am Mr. Hemingsworth, allow me to give you a warm welcome to the school. This year is going to be more harder than last year, so you have to give it all you've got. The groups we put you during orientation day will be your classes for the year. You will find a list of names in each class you will be situated in. Good luck to all of you and have a great year."

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Everyone dismissed, finding lists on classroom doors and looking for names on those lists. After all the scurrying around, roll call was taken to ensure that everyone is here and in their respective classes. As expected, Zarya, Keaton and Pit were in the same class together. "Alright, class, listen up," the teacher called, "I am Mr. Da Vinci and I will be your home room teacher for the year. This year is going to be one heck of an experience for you students, so you have to stay on your toes if you want to succeed. Now, I've heard that we've got a royal among us." "That would be me, sir," said Zarya while raising her hand up, "but I'd prefer if you don't bring it up a lot this year. Please?" "Of course," Da Vinci replied, "here at Wildwood, we treat each other as we wanted to be treated ourselves."

"Yeah right," a student from behind the classroom scoffed, "you're only saying that to make her feel better." Everyone else looked behind them and saw Leo; a werewolf boy with gray fur, red eyes and a knack for trouble. "Hey, ever heard of keep your comments to yourself," Pit growled. "Oh, I have, little angel," Leo smirked, "but your dainty little princess friend here doesn't have what it takes to survive. End of story." "Mr. Leo, that is enough," Da Vinci scolded, "my apologies, students. He can be a bit much. Anywho, shall we continue with… class alpha elections?" Everyone perked up at the mere mention of that. "At Wildwood, we do things a little differently than your normal political elections," Da Vinci continued, "whoever has the call that the pack shall answer to will be the alpha." "And that alpha will be me," Leo interrupted. "I think the title of alpha should belong to someone else," Keaton retaliated, "someone who knows the true meaning of fair leadership." He then gave Zarya a brief look of determination before focusing on Leo again and added, "It won't be you, though." Leo got out of his seat in a fit, stomped all the way to Zarya's desk and growled at her. Zarya responded by growling back at Leo. The two were trying to out-growl each other when Mr. Da Vinci went in between the two and said, "That's enough out of you! Now, follow me, everyone. I just heard the school bell ring from a distance which means our next lesson has begun." With that, the class got up and left for the next lesson. In the hallway, Zarya mumbled, "I'm gonna be alpha, not you, stupid Leo."

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