Episode Three: Training Seems Different

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The next morning back at the stronghold, everyone else had been busy with their own things. Arkayna, Em, Piper, Choko, Dark Pit and Viridi were watching TV, Malvaron and Palutena were busy studying and Doug was in the kitchen. All seemed to be quiet when howling and chatting could be heard echoing in the distance. Pit and Zarya came back from school, chatting about the events from last night. "Oh man, you were amazing, Z," Pit said excitedly, "you wiped the floor with him." "You should have seen the look on his face," Zarya laughed. The both of them came into the living room, having everyone that was in there look at them. "Oh, morning, guys," Zarya greeted. "Morning, sis," Arkayna greeted back, "how was hunting last night?" It was at that moment when Zarya and Pit realized the lie, but were saved when Viridi replied, "You clearly didn't hear them chatting and howling, princess. No hard feelings." Arkayna could only roll her eyes and sigh in response to Viridi's insult and Choko chittered a chitter of resentment.

There was suddenly more chatting echoing through the hallway to the stronghold. Everyone faced the entrance and awaited who was about to come in. In came Proxima...but who was she speaking to? "Morning, everyone," she greeted. "Morning, Proxima," Malvaron greeted, "what's up?" "It's day 2 of Master Mysticon training," Proxima replied, "and a familiar face is here to see you again." Right on cue, Byleth entered the stronghold. "Good morning, everyone," he greeted, "are you girls ready for today?" "Byleth," Piper exclaimed happily. She then went ahead and attacked Byleth with a warm and welcoming hug, which made everyone else laugh. "I told you I'd keep my promise, didn't I," Byleth whispered. "I never doubted you for a second," Piper whispered back. "Wow, first Silver, now Byleth," Em joked, "how many boyfriends are you planning on having, Piper?" "Byleth is not a second boyfriend in my eyes," Piper retorded, "and speaking of which, if Silver were here, you owe him a massive apology." "Wait, did that offend you," Em asked, "oh my goblin, I am so sorry." "Can we please get back to training," Arkayna sighed, "I want to know how our new powers work."

As soon as the Mysticons transformed into their Master forms, everyone took to the training area. "Arkayna, can you please step forward," said Proxima. Arkayna did so, moving over to the front. "As Master Mysticons, your powers, let's say, have evolved," said Byleth, "take your staff for example. Before, you had the Dragon Staff. Now, you have the Ember Spirit Staff." Arkayna summoned her new staff and admirer it, enjoying the way it looks and feels. "I like it," she said, "but do I have a new way of how my spells are cast with it, or something?" "You do, actually," Proxima replied, "your primary attack is now increased tenfold, and can be used in a special way, similar to a diviner. Try it." She then summoned a giant purple orb for Arkayna to destroy. "Okay, concentrate," Arkayna whispered to herself. She then pointed her staff at the target and closed her eyes. The staff levitated slightly out of her hand and disassembled, becoming some sort of rotating reticle. Arkayna opened her eyes and thrust her hand at the reticle, immediately having a large, green fireball shot and disintegrate the target. Everyone was in shock as Arkayna's staff reassembled and went back into her hand.

"What… was that," Pit exclaimed. "That… was me totally owning it," Arkayna replied. "Thank you, Arkayna, you can step back down now," said Proxima, "Zarya, can you please stand forward." The twin sisters swapped places, with Arkayna rejoining the group and Zarya stepping up to the front. "Zarya, you previously had the Enchanted Bow," said Proxima, "now you have the Bow of Storms." With the evolved weapon already in hand, Zarya took a quick look at it before asking, "Okay, so what's new?" "Previously, your  arrows were shot freely, but they didn't have that much power," Byleth replied, "with the Bow of Storms, however, your arrows are made of pure lightning. They're still shot freely, but they can be as powerful enough to paralyze, stun or even shock your opponents." Proxima then revived the target, but gave it some sort of life force. Zarya pulled the bow's string as far as she can pull, summoning a pure lightning bow in the process. She released the arrow, having it fly towards the target and electrocuting it so much so to the point of oblivion and having the slight sound of thunder echo through the room afterwards. 

"How did I do that," Zarya gasped. "That's the power of the arrow," Byleth replied, "your primary attack is actually one of the strongest attacks out of the group." Everyone's mouths slightly opened once Byleth said what he said. "Well, that is a shocking fact," Dark Pit joked, "no pun intended." "Thank you very much, Zarya, you can step back down now," said Proxima, "Emerald, can you please stand up." The two friends did a little fist bump as they swapped places with one another. "Em, you previously had the Silverflame Blade," said Byleth again, "now you have the Prelude Blade of Light." Much like Arkayna and Zarya, Em summoned her evolved sword and admired it before saying in her knight speech, "Teach me all you know." "Your melee attack strength has increased tenfold," replied Proxima, "and your ranged attack has gained a more elemental effect. How about a demonstration." With that, the star mistress revived the target and gave it a sort of darkness element. Em then went ahead and charged towards the target, slashing it four times before leaping backwards at a distance. She then readied her sword, having it glow a bright pink glow, leaped up in the air and slashed, sending a giant wave of light over to deliver the final blow and destroy the target once again. "Whoa, by the Hammer of Harmon," she gasped as she rejoined the group again.

"And last but not least, Piper," said Byleth, "may you please step forward." Piper eagerly hopped forward, ready to openly recieve whatever orders the professor had in store for her. "Previously, you had the Golden Hoops," said Proxima, "now you have the Lotus Crakrams." With the hoops already in hand, Piper took a slightly longer look at them, admiring their sparkly exterior. "Ooh, sparkly," she cooed. "Very sparkly, yes, but they are also very powerful," Byleth replied, "your hoops are quite similar to enchanted shurikens, able to pierce through barriers, cause harm to opponents and severely damage weapons. Give it a go, my star student." With the compliment giving her confidence a hyper boost, Piper braced her weapons at the revived target. She converged the three hoops into one massive hoop, lept up into the air and threw it with much force. As expected, the target was destroyed.

"Now that is what you call fabtacular," said Viridi. "I know, right," Piper replied happily, "but did you hear what Byleth called me?" "I think we all heard what he called you, Piper," Palutena laughed, "did you really mean what you said, Byleth? About Piper being your star student?" "Every single word, lady Palutena," Byleth replied, "I've never met anyone so eager to learn about, well, anything. Even my students back at Garreg Mach don't have as much hype as she does. That's why she's my best student."

There was suddenly an explosion coming from the east side of the palace, which only meant one thing; evil has awakened. Everyone went on the balcony and saw a large army of demon like monsters, but also somebody throwing fireballs at them. "Looks like the lesson's not over yet," said Pit, "we have to help that person." "Time for some extra credit classes," said Proxima eagerly. With that, she teleported everyone excluding Malvaron and Doug to the battle. "Okay, we'll just stay here then," Malvaron groaned in annoyance.

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