Episode Fifteen: An Uninvited Guest

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It was an early morning back at the palace. In Zarya's room, she, Choko and Dark Pit had been sleeping peacefully. Dark Pit slowly opened his eyes and smiled soundly before giving his girlfriend a gentle peck on the lips.

That was more than enough to wake the sleepy princess up as she slowly opened her eyes as well. "Morning, gray wolf," Dark Pit whispered. "Why are you calling me 'gray wolf', " Zarya groaned. "Your fur is purpleish gray, isn't it," Dark Pit asked. "I guess so," Zarya sighed. The princess then stroked the raven angel's feathers, which in turn made him purr.

Meanwhile in Arkayna's room, she and Pit had been chatting about today's plans. "I'm so excited," Arkayna whisper-exclaimed. "I can tell; you're glowing," Pit whispered, "this year must be very special." "Ooh, I can't wait for Zarya to experience her first royal birthday party," Arkayna said excitedly, "there's so much to do, like the breakfast banquet, and outfit shopping, and the party itself! We can't forget about the party! I wonder what the theme is..." "Woah there, princess, calm down," Pit laughed, "we'll worry about the party. You worry about how pretty you'll look." "Will do," Arkayna replied, "uh...you're not shifting tonight, are you?" Pit shook his head in response, which made Arkayna smile.

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The day had officially begun on a noisy note. In the dining hall, a room covered ceiling to floor with gold and precious stones, Em, Piper, Doug and Malvaron had been instructing the ground staff of how the banquet should be laid(well…mostly Em).

"Move it people, move it," Em yelled, "we have to get this ready before the birthday girls show up!" "OMG, Em, you don't have to scream," Viridi complained in the distance. She and Palutena then arrived at the scene, each holding a mug of coffee in their hands. "Morning everyone," Palutena greeted, "thanks again for doing this." "Aren't you a bit too young to have coffee, Viridi," Malvaron asked. "Hey! If you're a goddess, you can do anything you want," Viridi replied, "that's all." "Any sign of the birthday girls," Doug asked. "Mmm…nope. Wait," Piper gasped, "I hear footsteps. Two pairs of leather-clad sandals and 2 pairs of heeled boots. They're coming!"

That was the cue for the ground staff to disperse and pretend as if nothing is happening. Meanwhile, Pit and Dark Pit had been leading a blindfolded Arkayna and Zarya to the dining hall.

"I'm impressed, Pittoo," Pit joked, "you're doing well for a boyfriend." "I'm not having any of your nonsense, Pit Stain," Pittoo mumbled, "I especially dont wanna get angry today of all days." "Today of all days? What are you talking about," Zarya asked, "what is going o-..." The purple haired princess trailed off as soon as the blindfolds came off.
Both princesses gawked at the golden dining room, as well as the banquet presented to them. "Wow, this place is so… expensive," said Zarya. "So this is what Mom and Dad were working on," Arkayna whispered, "today just keeps on getting better and better." "Thank Palutena and Viridi for finding this room," Malvaron sighed, "if they hadn't found this room last night, we wouldn't have a regal start to your birthday." "Aww man, I totally forgot," Zarya mumbled, "in any case, thanks."

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New Era Magic and Fashion; the next stop on the birthday tour. The Mysticons had been looking for the best outfits for Arkayna and Zarya's surprise party. "Shouldn't we have gone somewhere else to shop," Zarya asked. "That's not how royal birthdays work," Arkayna sighed, "you can be as casual as you want… speaking of which." While she and Em ran in the opposite direction, Piper and Zarya had continued just as before.

It took some time, but the girls had found the perfect outfits that put their dresses they wore during Gawayne's coronation to shame;

Arkayna had been wearing a short white boob tube dress that reached up to her hips, classic denim jeans and green high heels.

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