Episode Thirteen: The Princess's Discovery

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♪Pretty little cherry blossom,
      Swinging on a tree.
     Lost little cherry blossom,
      Has no family.
     Brave little cherry blossom,
      Fights untill the end.
     Happy little cherry blossom,
      Now can sing again.♪

"Wow, that's beautiful," said Arkayna, "I remember Mom singing that to me when I was little." Zarya took one look at her sister and smiled before saying, "What a coincidence. Both of our mothers used to..."
Memories of a burning cottage house came back to haunt the rebel princess as she looked away from her sister and back at the sunset. Arkayna sighed a quiet sigh before walking over and sitting next to her sister. "You miss her, don't you," she asked. "Everyday," Zarya replied, "and even though I have my real mom, I still can't help but think about my adopted mom… and all the good times we had together." The two sisters then embraced in a loving hug as Arkayna then said, "If it's anything to go by, my mom provided you with the one thing you can't get rid of; a twin sister." Both sisters laughed as they let go of one another. "Come on, Zarya," Arkayna laughed, "lets go before everybody else hears you howl." It was at that moment when Zarya howled so loud that the dogs started barking. "Zarya," Arkayna playfully asked. "What," Zarya replied. Arkayna then huffed out a bit of smoke through her nose. "Wait, how did you…," Zarya asked. "I can control fire, remember," Arkayna replied. With that, the girls headed back inside the stronghold.

Meanwhile in the stronghold, everyone(excluding Keaton and Betsy) were watching a horror movie. Doug had been scared the most, due to him hiding under a blanket and occasionally closing his eye. Arkayna and Zarya had just arrived and were sitting amongst the group. "So, what did we miss," Arkayna asked. "Remember that couple that appeared in the sauna," Malvaron replied, "those two dummies ended up getting eaten. That's when we heard the howling." "Yep, that was me," Zarya sighed, "sorry about that." "Don't — Don't do that again," Doug stuttered, "I thought that was from the movie." "Speaking of which... Zarya, can I talk to you for a moment," asked Pit, "it's important." With a quick little nod, Zarya and Pit walked over to the hallway to talk.

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"So, uh, about the whole 'us not being at school tonight' situation," said Pit, "I have a feeling that somebody might find out that I'm a werewolf." "And you're worried that if somebody other than Palutena will find out, they'll blab about it to the rest of the group," said Zarya, "it's okay, though. We can just sneak out and do stuff 'till morning." "Can we stay in your room instead," Pit asked, "I feel like sneaking out would just cause trouble." "Ugh, fine," Zarya sighed, "it's a good thing I have the movie on my laptop( and yes, there are laptops in Gemina)." The two then walked back to the living room to bring the news, or at least part of it.

The Drake City Junkyard. Desolate. Dead. Except for a place, accompanied by the light of a fire and the chants of a crowd, that place was abundant with life. Standing in front of the crowd, the crowd of biker orcs, stood the infamous biker troll Kymraw. Spurred on by their shouts and chants, the vile troll raised her axe and said, "Tonight, we hunt. Kymraw want animal fur for new coat. Kymraw want to look beautiful." Silence reigned supreme as the biker orcs paid full attention to what their leader had to say next. "We will ride all over Drake City," Kymraw then said, " we will rob stores for fur coats. We will find hairiest animals and skin them alive. Kymraw will be most beautiful troll in the realm, even if it is last thing Kymraw will do! Now, go!" With such swift force, Kymraw and her orcs hopped on their bikes and rode out into the city looking for fur.

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Meanwhile, Zarya and Pit are making their way to the Undercity. "Man, that movie was trash," Pit complained. "That's not an appropriate reason to sneak out," said Zarya, "besides, you're the one that said that sneaking out would get us in trouble." "Yeah, but," Pit replied, "I can't help the wild side of me sometimes. I need to exercise too." "Don't be an even bigger Icarus than you already are, Pit," Zarya sighed. It was at that moment when the two werewolves heard the sounds of engines whirring in the distance. They looked behind them and found Kymraw and her crew riding towards them on their hover motorbikes. Kymraw had her arm wide open and ready to capture one of the two. Pit did the only thing he could to save them; he tackled Zarya to the ground in order for the both of them to escape the troll's grasp. Having been made a fool of and not wanting it to happen again, Kymraw made a u-turn and swiftly grabbed Pit by his wings, making a run for it afterwards. Horror struck Zarya like an arrow to the stomach as she witnessed Pit being kidnapped. After getting back up, she took out her phone and called the others.

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