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"For Life"

Ayanna sat on the edge of the tub, letting the hot water run through her fingers. She couldn't wait to take a well-needed bath.

Since her father was on a boy's trip, she spent the weekend at her parents' house with her mom.

They'd been out all day, and as much as she loved her mother, she needed some alone time.

When the tub was full, Ayanna turned off the water. As she was taking off her robe, she could hear a familiar voice other than her mother's downstairs.

"Is that who I think it is?" she said out loud.

Tying her robe back up, Ayanna goes downstairs to find one of her favorite people in the world: her ex-boyfriend's mother - Georgina.

She was opening a bottle of wine in the kitchen with her mother, Rhonda.

"Georgie!" Ayanna hugged her, having not seen her in a while. "What are you doing here?"

"Sweetie, I'm always here," Georgina sassed. "It's you that hasn't been around here much. Who do you think's been keeping your mama busy?"

"It ain't her daddy, that's for sure," said Rhonda pouring wine into two glasses.

Though she was in a happy marriage of more than twenty years, her introverted husband couldn't keep up with her these days.

She wanted to party.

All while he wanted to stand clear of human interaction until it came to his yearly fishing trip with some of his friends, Georgina's husband included.

That was one of the perks of Ayanna's relationship with her ex Kyle.

Their parents were best friends and especially their moms. Both were equally sassy and crazy, so they hit it off instantly. They were so close not even Kyle and Ayanna's breakup could change that.

"How are you, honey?" Georgina rubbed her back affectionately.

You almost couldn't convince Georgina that Ayanna wasn't her daughter. After all, she was the only girlfriend of Kyle's that she ever loved.

"I'm good. I've just been working and -"

"Dating," Rhonda passed a glass of wine to Georgina who's eyes widened like an alert dog's ears.

"Dating, you say?"

"Not really," Ayanna rolled her eyes. "I just started talking to this guy. We've only gone out one time."

"What's his name?"

"David," Rhonda answered before her daughter could.

Ayanna could tell neither of her mothers was impressed by David, and they hadn't even met him. They were the reason she hadn't brought him around.

They disagreed with her and Kyle's decision to call its quits after almost two years. Mind you, they'd been broken up for months at this point.

That and David was the first guy Ayanna has entertained since the breakup. Kyle was her first everything, and though it was a mutual decision, it ended badly and took time to get over.

"Hm, David," Georgina said thoughtfully, sipping on her wine.

"And she hasn't even brought him around yet," Rhonda egged it on.

"Well, that's because -"

"Sounds just like Kyle," Georgie shook her hand. "He has a new girlfriend . . . uh Stephanie, I think it is - Sarah, maybe Samara?" the blonde shrugged. "I don't know. I only met her once."

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