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They judge me like it's a simple task,
They make judgement so easy
It's cause actions speak louder than words
It's all assumptions no one can confirm
From where they stand the angle is different
How they view me doesn't seems to concern them
They judge my story without reading the book
They're judged for the mistakes of others
But never realise their own
They pick and choose who to show love and compassion too

We're all the same
The same colour blood
Breathe the same air
People in this world discriminate
Why are the humans filled with so much hate
They care about ethnicity
They care about class
Everyone has their rights
Together we should stand and fight

Why must I wake up every morning scared of what new name I'm about to be called?
Why must I be scared to walk around just the way I am?
Why must I try and fit with others?
What's wrong with standing out?
If everyone was the same in this world it would be boring
People find it difficult to accept differences
It's either you look like them or be judged

The world is a dangerous place
Not because of those who do bad
Not because of those who discriminate
But because of those who watch without making change.


To me your perfect
I love you just as you are
You bring me joy and happiness
Our hearts fight for eachother
You probably won't comprehend how much you've made my dreams come true
You've opened up my heart to love and the wonders it can do.

Words cannot separate us
The world cannot separate us


Non can stop our love

Why are we afraid to show ourselves to the world?

"Us against the world"


JudgementsWhere stories live. Discover now