Chapter 13

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3rd Person POV

It was almost nightfall in the maze, and Y/N couldn't help but panic. But Thomas couldn't know that.

"Alright Greenie, we gotta find a good hiding place. We'll never outrun the Grievers and even if we do we won't have enough energy to fight any others we run into. Also, make sure you stick behind me. We need to stick together and if you get separated you'll never be able to find your way out. Got it?" 

"Got it," Thomas said, trying his best to keep a brave face.

"Hey," Y/N said, grabbing his arm "I'm scared too" 

Thomas just nodded his head and tried to shake his nerves away.

"Let's do this," he said.

Y/N started to run down the maze she had run through so many times. The darkness made navigation harder, but she had to admit there was a sort of beauty that came with seeing the maze under the moonlight. If she had to die somewhere, the maze wasn't the worst place in the world.

After five minutes of running, Y/N spotted a group of vines that hung down and covered a gap in the maze's walls. Perfect.

Y/N tugged Thomas' sleeve and pointed to their new hiding spot. He nodded, parted the vines, and sat down; Y/N was quick to follow.

"Now comes the hard part. We wait, and we don't make a sound. If you do, they'll know where we are" Y/N instructed with her instincts kicking in.

They could hear metal clanking slowly start to get closer. The grievers were out for the night.

More sounds of metal banging filled and echoed within the maze. How many of them were there?

After what felt like forever, Y/N turned her head and saw a griever on the other side of the vines. She knew Thomas saw it too because she could feel him tense up. The griever slowly started to walk away, and Thomas let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Suddenly, the metal started to get louder and closer. Fuck. Y/N peaked out and couldn't see the griever, but she knew it was quickly approaching.

Y/N poked Thomas and gestured to the vines on the wall opposite of them. If they could use those vines to move out of the griever's reach and far away, they might just make it.

Y/N dashed towards the wall and climbed up the vines as fast as she could, but Thomas was struggling to make it up. The metal clanging got even louder, and she knew they only had seconds. 

Y/N quickly slid down the vines, grabbing Thomas who was only two feet off the ground, and started sprinting for the next turn. They rounded the corner in time, but they had to keep going.

After a while, they tucked into a corner to catch their breath. The moon was passed the halfway mark, but they still had a long time to go. After their quick break they found themselves a new hiding place, a dead end of the maze that was far too thin for a griever to get through.

They continued to hear metal nearby, but nothing ever came down their dead end. Then, they heard a new noise. They had heard the maze changing all night, but it was mostly drowned out by the griever's screeches and movement. This time, it was close. A little too close. 

Y/N and Thomas turned around and faced where the back of their dead end once stood. Not only that, but there was a griever staring them down from the other side of the straight passageway in the maze.

"Thomas, Thomas, come on we gotta go," Y/N said hurriedly, the fear no longer hidden from her voice.

They sprinted to the nearest turn, but the griever was catching up quickly.

Forgotten Love // (Newt X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang